
April 1, 2003
the Yale Physics 2003 Leigh Page Prize Lectures were given April 14th, April 16th, and  April 17th by R. G. Hamish Robertson from the University of Washington, Department of...
March 29, 2003
Professor Vernon W. Hughes, Sterling Professor Emeritus at Yale University, and elementary particle physicist, died on March 25, 2003. Professor Hughes’ career involved a...
February 27, 2003
The Gibbs Symposium 2003 celebrates the centenary of the publication of Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics, held February 28, 2003. Speakers were: Ole Knudsen,...
November 2, 2002
Ramamurti Shankar, chair of the physics department, faced a daunting challenge when he was invited by Graduate School Dean Susan Hockfield to explain quantum theory to non-...
November 1, 2002
Professor Pierre Hohenberg wins the 2003 Lars Onsager Prize from the American Physical Society.  His citation reads, “For contributions to a wide range of topics in...