
Elusives Journal Club, Emily Pottebaum, Yale, "Ocean Science with the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment"

Emily Pottebaum will lead a discussion on the paper “Ocean Science with the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment” found at https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.14710.pdf, with the goal of discussing both P-ONE and more generally the opportunities detector experiments have for interdisciplinary research and collaboration.

Elusives Journal Club, Tom Penny, Yale, "HUNTER: precision massive-neutrino search based on a laser cooled atomic source"

Thomas Penny will lead a discussion on the paper “HUNTER: precision massive-neutrino search based on a laser cooled atomic source” found at https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2058-9565/abdb9b/pdf

Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.

Elusives Journal Club, Jorge Torres, Yale, "Detecting High-Energy Neutrinos from Galactic Supernovae with ATLAS"

Jorge Torres will be lead a discussion on the paper “Detecting High-Energy Neutrinos from Galactic Supernovae with ATLAS,” found at https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.09771v1

Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.

Contact Xiran Bai and Eleanor Graham for more information.

Elusives Journal Club, Yu-Han Tseng, Yale, "Direct detection of classically undetectable dark matter through quantum decoherence"

Yu-Han Tseng will lead a discussion on the paper “Direct detection of classically undetectable dark matter through quantum decoherence,” found at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1212.3061.pdf

Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.

Contact Xiran Bai and Eleanor Graham for more information.

Elusives Journal Club, Xiran Bai, Yale, "Stimulated emission of signal photons from dark matter waves"

Xiran Bai will lead a discussion on the paper “Stimulated emission of signal photons from dark matter waves,” found at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.03700.pdf

Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.

Contact Xiran Bai and Eleanor Graham for more information.

NPA Seminar: Carlos Peña Garay, Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, "Science in an Underground Lab"

Nuclear, particle and astrophysics are the themes of experiments hosted in underground labs. I will discuss, after motivated by fundamental questions, recent work done in Canfranc. Most of my talk will be concentrated on the exploration of neutrinos’ fundamental properties in nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, but I will also discuss current work on dark matter searches. Our cells are ionized by cosmic muons and radioactivity and I will briefly close with research on life processes in cosmic silence.

Fall 2023 EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users

Wright Lab will host two, identical 1-hour Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Shop Orientations on Thursday, September 7 at 1 p.m. and Tuesday, September 12 at 2:30 p.m. The EHS shop orientation is offered each semester and is required to be taken once by anyone who would like to gain access and make use of the research and teaching shops at Wright Lab.

For more information on the shop facilities at Wright Lab see:

Elusives Journal Club, Eleanor Graham, Yale, "New Constraints on Dark Photon Dark Matter with Superconducting Nanowire Detectors in an Optical Haloscope"

Eleanor Graham will lead a discussion on the paper “New Constraints on Dark Photon Dark Matter with Superconducting Nanowire Detectors in an Optical Haloscope” found at https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.231802

Fall 2023 EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users

Wright Lab will host two, identical 1-hour Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Shop Orientations on Thursday, September 7 at 1 p.m. and Tuesday, September 12 at 2:30 p.m. The EHS shop orientation is offered each semester and is required to be taken once by anyone who would like to gain access and make use of the research and teaching shops at Wright Lab.

For more information on the shop facilities at Wright Lab see:

Wright Lab Resources Presentation

We invite members of our community, in particular new members, to an overview presentation about Wright Lab resources. The program includes introductions of Wright Lab technical and administrative staff, an overview of program activities for the Fall, a safety briefing for the community, and brief presentations about the facility’s resources.

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