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Marla Geha, professor of Astronomy, explains just how far above your head is space.

Phantasmagorical Physics Demo Show. See news story.

The video, hosted by SciShow’s Hank Green, explains how and why the CUORE experiment and its successor CUPID have been able to use artifacts found in an ancient Roman shipwreck to enhance the ability of their physics experiment that seeks to understand the mysterious nature of the fundamental physical processes that have shaped our Universe as we know it.

Particle physicist Sarah Demers introduces the high energy collisions  that her research consists in.

From the Yale News story of June 28, 2024, by Jim Shelton. Yale professor Alison Sweeney explains how giant clams in the Western Pacific may be the most efficient solar energy system on the planet.

NBC News Now (May 31, 2024): “A new signal detected by researchers may show the merger of two supermassive black holes, emitting low-frequency gravitational waves. NBC’s Gadi Schwartz talks with astrophysicist Chiara Mingarelli about the discovery and what it means for our understanding of the universe.”

Chiara Mingarelli, assistant professor in Physics, interviewed before her plenary talk at the American Physical Society March Meeting.

Chiara Mingarelli, “Reaching across the centuries, these seminal science books speak volumes”

At a recent “pop-up” exhibit, Yale physics students took a closer look at more than a dozen trailblazing tomes by Galileo, Newton, Kepler, and others.

Larry Gladney, Phyllis Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Physics,  and Priya Natarjan, Joseph S. and Sophia S. Fruton Professor of Astronomy and Professor of Physics, are featured in the video, “Curiosity-driven science research” featured in Yale News on September 5, 2023.

Many of the greatest scientific leaps in history were unplanned and unexpected, not the result of applied or agenda-driven scientific research but of curiosity-driven research in which scholars follow their curiosity where it leads them. Curiosity-driven research not only expands our understanding of the world, it underpins virtually all applied research, innovation, and technological development. When researchers in Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences follow their curiosity, it takes them down unexplored pathways, for the benefit of future generations.


John Harris, D. Allan Bromley Professor Emeritus of Physics at Yale, was featured in a segment for ESPN that aired on ABC on April 9, 2022 at the beginning of the broadcast of a National Hockey League game between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals.