Congratulations to Amanda Butler (Physics-Intensive, advisor: Daisuke Nagai), Sarah Dickson (Physics-Intensive, advisor: David Moore), Pablo Garza (Physics, Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux), Luke Grossman (Physics, advisor: Nir Navon), Matt King (Physics-Intensive, advisor: Bonnie Fleming), Daniel Qenani (Physics-Intensive, advisor: Keith Baker), Jean Wang (Physics-Intensive, advisors: Steve Girvin and Reina Maruyama), and Laura Zhou (Physics-Intensive, advisor: Reina Maruyama) for winning the Howard L. Schultz Prize for being an outstanding senior in the Physics department.
Congratulations to Yiming Zhang (Physics-Intensive, advisor: Jack Harris) for winning the Deforest Pioneers prize for distinguished creative achievement in physics. This prize is awarded by the Yale Office of the Secretary.