Graduate Student Honors

April 28, 2021
Shany Danieli who received her Ph.D. in physics December 2020 has won the 2021 Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Doctoral Dissertation Award in Astrophysics from the American Physical...
Han Aung, Yale University
March 16, 2021
Han Aung was awarded the Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship. The Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar Program “attracts high achieving postdoctoral scholars from premier...
December 11, 2020
The following graduate students were honored with Alumni awards from the Yale Physics Department: Dr. Julia A. Thompson Award: Charles Lomba Professor Horace D. Taft Award...
December 11, 2020
The following students won endowed awards from Yale University for 2019: Alexander A. McCormick, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Kimmy Cushman George DeForest Lord Scholarship:...
December 10, 2020
Sophia Hollick was awarded the G. Howard Carragan Award from her undergraduate institution, RPI Physics Department. The G. Howard Carragan Award is an annual undergraduate...
December 9, 2020
Daniel Seara was selected as a “Rising Star in Soft and Biological Matter” at the University of Chicago. The UChicago Rising Stars in Soft and Biological Matter Symposium is...
July 31, 2020
The Leigh Page Prize is offered to first year graduate students in recognition of their fine academic record and for the promise of important contributions to the field of...