Betty Abelev Process Improvement Data Analysis Lead Invitae betty.abelev@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2007 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Multi-strange baryon correlations at RHIC |
Corey Adams corey.adams@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: First Detection of Low Energy Electron Neutrinos in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers |
Peter Adshead Associate Professor University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign adshead@illinois.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: Richard Easther Dissertation Title: Cosmological Perturbation Theory and the Early Universe |
Masuma Ahmed Strategic Consultant Self masuma.ahmed@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1981 Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk Dissertation Title: Polarization effects in the small-angle scattering of fast neutrons by bismuth |
Salvatore Aiola Postdoctoral Research Fellow Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (National Institute for Nuclear Research). salvatore.aiola@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Jet and heavy-flavor measurements in pp and Pb–Pb collisions with ALICE |
Soner Albayrak Assistant Professor Middle East Technical University snralbayrak@gmail.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: David Poland Dissertation Title: Analytic Studies of Fermions in Conformal Bootstrap |
Victor Albert Physicist National Institute of Standards and Technology valbert4@gmail.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Liang Jiang Dissertation Title: Lindbladians with multiple steady states: theory and applications |
Stephen Albright Program Manager New York Academy of Sciences stephen.albright@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-1730 |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Charles Ahn Dissertation Title: Ultra-thin Film Growth of Chalcogenides to Realize Novel Electronic Phenomena |
Emine Altuntas Postdoctoral Researcher National Institute of Standards and Technology & Joint Quantum Institute emaltuntas@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2017 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Measurement of Nuclear Spin Dependent Parity Violation in 138Ba19F |
Jeffrey Ammon Technical Staff Massachusetts Institute of Technology jeffrey.ammon@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Progress towards a measurement of nuclear-spin-dependent parity violation in diatomic molecules |
Tonima Tasnim Ananna Postdoctoral Associate Dartmouth College tonimatasnim.ananna@yale.edu |
Adam W. Anderson Professor of Biomedical Engineering Vanderbilt University adam.w.anderson@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1990 Advisor: Eward Hinds Dissertation Title: Observation of van der Waals and optical dipole forces on atoms in a microcavity |
Colin Anderson Research Staff Member Institute for Defense Analyses colin.anderson@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Measurement of muon neutrino and antineutrino induced single neutral pion production cross sections |
Peter Andrews Senior Computer Scientist Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory peter.andrews@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2003 Advisor: Charles Baltay Dissertation Title: Quasar counts from variability and color selected samples |
Tomas Aronsson Data scientist Zurich Global Corporation tomas.aronsson@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2015 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Cross section of bottom electrons in proton-proton collisions in the ALICE experiment |
Benjamin Auerbach Director of Product Experience Allstate Insurance Company benjamin.auerbach@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Paul Tipton Dissertation Title: Study of Proton-Antiproton Collisions That Contain Leptons, a Photon and a b-quark Using The CDF II Detector |
Han Aung Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar Hebrew University of Jerusalem hansoeaung9@gmail.com Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Daisuke Nagai Dissertation Title: Cosmology and Astrophysics with Dark Matter and Gaseous Halos |
Camille Avestruz KICP Fellow Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago camille.avestruz@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Daisuke Nagai Dissertation Title: Modeling Galaxy Cluster Outskirts with Cosmological Simulations |
Steve Axelrod CEO and President G-Tech Medical, Inc. steve.axelrod@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1986 Advisor: Michael Zeller Dissertation Title: A Measurement of Sigma-Plus formation at 180 Degrees by Negative Kaons near 700 Mev/C |
Kelly Backes Quantum Sensor and Security Specialist MITRE Corporation kelly.m.backes@gmail.com She/her/hers |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux Dissertation Title: A quantum-enhanced search for dark matter axions |
Joseph Hongchul Bae Senior Data Scientist NatWest joseph.bae@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2015 Advisor: Vincent Moncrief Dissertation Title: Wormhole Solutions to the Bianchi IX Wheeler-DeWitt Equation using the Euclidean-signature Semi-classical Method |
Yang Bai Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison yang.bai@wisc.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2007 Advisor: Thomas Appelquist Dissertation Title: Explorations of SU(3) family gauge symmetry |
Stephen Baker Professor Emeritus of Physics Rice University stephen.baker@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1963 Advisor: J. A. McIntyre Dissertation Title: Elastic Scattering of Light Nuclei by Heavy Nuclei |
Supraja Balasubramanian Postdoctoral Associate Fermi National laboratory supraja.balasubramanian@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-2181 |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: A Differential Cross-Section Measurement of Muon Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Neutral Pion Production in MicroBooNE |
Charles Baltay Eugene Higgins Professor Emeritus of Physics WL 213 charles.baltay@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3386 Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1963 Advisor: Horace Dwight Taft Dissertation Title: A study of antiperon production in antiperon-proton reactions |
Estella Barbosa de Souza Consultant Boston Consulting Group estella.desouza@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-9273 |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Reina Maruyama Dissertation Title: A Model-Independent Search for Dark Matter-Induced Annual Modulation Signal with the COSINE-100 Experiment |
John Barry Technical Staff - Lincoln Laboratory MIT john.barry@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Laser cooling and slowing of a diatomic molecule |
Anne Bauer Lead Data Scientist The New York Times ahbauer01@gmail.com |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: Charles Baltay Dissertation Title: AGN variability and candidate blazars in the Palomar -QUEST survey |
Stephen Baumgart Systems Engineer Physicist Varian Medical Systems slbaumgart@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Helen Caines Dissertation Title: A Study of Open Charm Production in 200 GeV Heavy Ion Collisons |
Caitie Beattie Medical Student The University of Vermont, Larner College of Medicine caitie.beattie@yale.edu she/her/hers |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Pathlength-dependent jet quenching in the quark--gluon plasma at ALICE |
Sourpouhi Bedikian Consultant Princeton Consultants; Inc. sourpouhi.bedikian@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Sarah Demers Dissertation Title: A Search for the Charged Higgs: Using Tau Polarimetry with Proton-Proton Collisions at the ATLAS Detector |
Maria Belota Moreno Graduate School Student, Class of 2021 maria.belotamoreno@yale.edu |
Frank Benedict Retired from Bell Laboratories fdb@aya.yale.edu |
Douglas Bergman Associate Professor University of Utah douglas.bergman@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 1997 Advisor: Michael Zeller Dissertation Title: A search for the decay of a charged kaon into a pion, a muon and an electron |
Daniel Berkowitz Consultant daniel.berkowitz@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: George Fleming/Vincent Moncrief Dissertation Title: The Development of Mathematical Methods for Tackling Problems in Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, and Gravity |
Sanah Bhimani WLC 258 sanah.bhimani@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-3548 She/her/hers |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Laura Newburgh Dissertation Title: From Site to First Light: OCS Deployment and Defining Detector Quality Metrics for the Simons Observatory SAT-MF1 |
Sarah Bickman Product Manager Lead Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment sarah.bickman@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2007 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Progress towards a Measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron using PbO* |
Robert J. Birgeneau Professor of Physics, MSE and Public Policy University of California, Berkeley robert.j.birgeneau@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1967 Advisor: Werner P. Wolf Dissertation Title: Magnetic Interactions in Rare Earth Insulators |
Lev Bishop Research Staff Member IBM Research lsbishop@us.ibm.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: Steven Girvin Dissertation Title: Circuit quantum electrodynamics |
Robert Blum Postdoctoral Associate (Barrett) SPL 14 robert.blum@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Sean Barrett Dissertation Title: Applying novel NMR techniques to many-body spin systems, and novel reconstruction techniques to NMR data |
Jacob Blumoff Research Scientist HRL Laboratories jacob.blumoff@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2017 Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Multiqubit experiments in 3D circuit quantum electrodynamics |
Virgil Dixon Bogert Scientist Emeritus Fermilab virgil.d.bogert@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1969 Advisor: Horace D. Taft Dissertation Title: The Measurement of the Decay Asymmetry of the Leptons with Respect to Sigma Polarization in the Reaction Negative Sigma-Hyperon Going to (Neutron,Lepton,Neutrino) Where Lepton Is Either Electron Or Negative-Muon |
Rostislav Boltyanskiy Senior Scientist Spheryx rostislav.boltyanskiy@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Eric Dufresne Dissertation Title: Mechanical Response of Single Cells to Stretch |
James Bond Radiological Physicist, Radiation Oncology Department Yale-New Haven Hospital james.bond@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1975 Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk Dissertation Title: The Neutron-Alpha Particle Interaction - A Study of Polarization Effects up to 6 MeV |
Marco Bonett-Matiz Assistant Professor University of Bridgeport marco.bonett-matiz@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Statistical and Spectroscopic Properties of Nuclei in the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method |
Hannah Bossi Postdoctoral Researcher Massachusetts Institute of Technology @ Brookhaven National Lab hannah.bossi@yale.edu She/her/hers |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Novel Uses of Machine Learning for Differential Jet Quenching Measurements at the LHC |
Elizabeth Boulton Project Manager - Evaluations New York State Energy Research and Development Authority elizabeth.boulton@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: Daniel McKinsey Dissertation Title: Applications of Two-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chambers: Searching for Dark Matter and Special Nuclear Materials |
Barry Bradlyn Assistant Professor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign barry.bradlyn@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-4822 |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Nicholas Read Dissertation Title: Linear response and Berry curvature in two-dimensional topological phases |
Deseree Meyer Brittingham Instructor in Physics and Astronomy Agnes Scott College dmeyerbrittingham@agnesscott.edu |
Degree Date: May 2006 Advisor: Richard Casten Dissertation Title: Nuclear structure studies in the rare earth and trans-lead regions |
Charles Brown Assistant Professor of Physics SPL 68B charles.d.brown@yale.edu Research Website He/him/his |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Optical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Superfluid Liquid Helium Drops Magnetically-Levitated in Vacuum |
Benjamin Brubaker NIST NRC Postdoc JILA (University of Colorado/NIST Boulder) benjamin.brubaker@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2017 Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux Dissertation Title: First Results from the HAYSTAC axion search |
Colin Bruzewicz Technical Staff - Lincoln Laboratory MIT colin.bruzewicz@ll.mit.edu |
Degree Date: May 2014 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Continuous Optical Production of Ultracold Vibronic Ground State Polar Molecules |
Samuel Bryant samuel.bryant@yale.edu He/him/his |
Degree Date: December 2022 Advisor: Benjamin Machta Dissertation Title: Energy Dissipation Bounds in Fundamental Biological Processes |
Chiranjeeb Buragohain Architect Oracle chiranjeeb.buragohain@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2001 Advisor: Subir Sachdev Dissertation Title: Dynamical properties of quantum antiferromagnets in one and two dimensions |
Luke Burkhart Postgraduate Associate Yale University luke.burkhart@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Error-Detected Networking for 3D Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics |
Joshua Burt joshua.burt@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: John Murray Dissertation Title: Large-Scale Organization of Microcircuit Specialization in Human Cortex |
Brian Bush Principal Scientist National Renewable Energy Laboratory brian.bush@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 1990 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Shape Fluctuations in Hot Rotating Nuclei |
Diego Caballero Orduna VP - Counterparty Credit Risk Quant Credit Suisse diego.caballeroorduna@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Computational Studies of Protein Structure |
Mark Caprio Associate Professor, Associate Chair & Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Physics University of Notre Dame mark.caprio@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2003 Advisor: Richard Casten Dissertation Title: Structure of Collective Modes in Transitional and Deformed Nuclei |
Faustin Carter Physicist HRL Laboratories faustin.carter@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Daniel Prober Dissertation Title: A transition-edge-sensor-based instrument for the measurement of individual He2* excimers in a superfluid 4He bath at 100 mK |
Robert J. Casperson Staff Scientist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory casperson1@llnl.gov Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: Volker Werner Dissertation Title: Experimental and numerical analysis of mixed -symmetry states and large boson systems |
Emma Castiglia Research Data Scientist Meta emma.castiglia@yale.edu She/her/hers |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: Sarah Demers Dissertation Title: Machine Learning for Tau Leptons and the Search for the Associated Production of a Higgs Boson with a Vector Boson, with the Higgs Boson Decaying to a Tau Pair at ATLAS |
Oana Catu Software Engineer AppFolio oana.catu@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2008 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Studying parton energy loss in hot nuclear matter using dihadron correlations |
Alexander Cerjan Postdoc Penn State University alexander.cerjan@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2015 Advisor: A. Douglas Stone Dissertation Title: Fundamental physics and device design using the steady-state ab initio laser theory |
Jack Challis SVP, US Operations Lucence john.challis@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Steven Girvin Dissertation Title: Theory of p-Orbital Bosons |
Hanghui Chen Assistant Professor of Physics; Global Network Assistant Professor NYU Shanghai and New York University hanghui.chen@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2012 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: A first principles study of oxide interfaces |
Jia Chen Offering Leader, Blockchain for Healthcare & Life Sciences IBM jia.chen@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2000 Advisor: Mark Reed Dissertation Title: Molecular Wires, Switches and Memories |
Xinyi Chen Postdoctoral Fellow Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics xinyi.chen@yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan Dissertation Title: Reconstruction of the initial conditions: improvements and applications to constraining dark energy and primordial non-Gaussianity |
Hongzhi Cheng Postdoctoral Fellow Princeton University hongzhi.cheng@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2007 Advisor: John Tully Dissertation Title: Nonadiabatic dynamics at metal surfaces |
Lucas Cheng Quantitative Strategist Virtu Financial yuxuan.cheng@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-3548 |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Computational Studies of Deformable Particles Flowing Through Constrictions |
Hay Yeung Cheung Patent Attorney Myers Wolin, LLC hay-yeung.cheung@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1991 Advisor: Feza Gursey Dissertation Title: Hadronic symmetries of skyrmions |
Jerry M Chow Senior Manager - Quantum System Technology IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center chowmj@us.ibm.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Quantum information processing with superconducting qubits |
Lucien Cohler Managing Director, Retired JP Morgan Chase (1987-2015), Bank of America (2015-2017) lucien.cohler@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1985 Advisor: Thomas Appelquist Dissertation Title: Aspects of Dynamical Symmetry Breaking (Effective, Schwinger-Dyson, Potential) |
Nathan Cooper Deceased nathan.cooper@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Volker Werner Dissertation Title: Structure of A = 76 Nuclei and Fast-Timing Studies of the Rare-Earth Region |
London Cooper-Troendle Postdoctoral Associate University of Pittsburgh london.cooper-troendle@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: First Measurement of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Triple Differential Cross Section on Argon |
Jane Cummings Chief Technology Officer Cainthus jane.cummings@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Sarah Demers Dissertation Title: Tau Polarization at a Hadron Collider: W to tau,nu and Z to tau,tau decays at ATLAS |
Mark Cunningham Author Self mark.cunningham@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1982 Advisor: Francesco Iachello Dissertation Title: Multilevel calculations in odd-mass nuclei |
Jacob Curtis Quantum Engineer Quantum Circuits Inc. jacob.curtis@yale.edu He/him/his |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Error Mitigation and Detection in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Powered by QND Measurements |
Thomas Curtis Retired Formerly Bell Labs and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab thomas.curtis@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1968 Advisor: Charles Bockleman Dissertation Title: Quadrupole and Octupole Excitations of the Even Tin Isotopes by Electron Scattering |
Jeremy Cushman Software Engineer Amazon jeremy.cushman@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Karsten Heeger Dissertation Title: A search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in tellurium-130 with CUORE |
Kimmy Cushman kimmy.cushman@yale.edu She/her/hers |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: George Fleming Dissertation Title: Stealth Dark Matter with Lattice Field Theory |
Anson D'Aloisio Assistant Professor in Physics & Astronomy University of California, Riverside anson.daloisio@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: Priya Natarajan Dissertation Title: Cosmological Structures and Gravitational Lensing |
Shany Danieli NASA Hubble and Carnegie-Princeton Postdoctoral Fellow Institute for Advanced Study shany.danieli@yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Pieter van Dokkum Dissertation Title: Clues to the Nature of Dark Matter from Low-Mass Galaxies Outside the Local Group |
Christopher Davis Senior Data Scientist CarMax christopher.davis@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-9287 |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Reina Maruyama Dissertation Title: Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with Majoron Emission in CUORE |
Abhay Deshpande Professor Stony Brook University abhay.deshpande@stonybrook.edu |
Degree Date: May 1994 Advisor: Michael Zeller Dissertation Title: Study of the decay of positively charged kaon into a positively charged pion, a positron and an electron. and a measurement of the decay of neutral pion into a positron and an electron |
Michael Dine Professor University of California, Santa Cruz michael.dine@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1978 Advisor: Thomas Appelquist Dissertation Title: Interactions of Heavy Quarks in Quantum Chromodynamics |
Mehmet Dogan Postdoctoral researcher University of California, Berkeley mehmet.dogan@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: Ab initio studies of ferroelectric thin films |
Mauro Melchiades Doria Professor Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL mauro.melchiadesdoria@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1983 Advisor: Feza Gursey/R. Shankar Dissertation Title: Factorizable S-Matrices and Lattice Models in Two Dimensions |
Arpit Dua UQM-IQIM Postdoctoral scholar Caltech arpit.dua@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Meng Cheng & Liang Jiang Dissertation Title: Structure of fracton stabilizer models |
Loyal Durand Professor Emeritus of Physics University of Wisconsin, Madison loyal.durand@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1957 Advisor: Gregory Breit Dissertation Title: Vacuum polarization effects in proton-proton scattering |
Prasenjit Dutt Quant/Trader IMC Trading prasenjit.dutt@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: R. Shankar Dissertation Title: Strongly correlated quantum transport out-of-equilibrium |
Steven Eckel Research Scientist National Institute of Standards and Technology steven.eckel@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2012 Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux Dissertation Title: A Search for the Electron EDM using Europium-Barium Titanates |
Eustace Edwards Senior Systems Engineer Raytheon Technologies eustace.edwards@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Cold Thallium Fluoride Beam: Buffer Gas Cooling, Beam Production, and $B^3\Pi$ Excited State Hyperfine Spectra |
Raymond Ehlers Postdoctoral Scholar Lawrence Berkeley National Lab/UC Berkeley raymond.ehlers@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Helen Caines Dissertation Title: Jet-Hadron Correlations Measured in Pb--Pb Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}} = 5.02$ TeV with ALICE |
Stefan Elrington Partnerships Lead - IBM Quantum Quantum stefan.elrington@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Sean Barrett Dissertation Title: Developing new approaches to faster, high-spatial resolution Phosphorus-31 MR imaging of Bone |
Stephen Eltinge Postdoctoral Associate Yale University, Department of Applied Physics stephen.eltinge@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: Ab Initio Insights Into Substrate Effects, Structural Identification, and Excitonic States in 2D Materials |
John Ennis Physics Teacher Secaucus High School john.ennis@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1984 Advisor: D. Allan Bromley Dissertation Title: Dipole Collectivity in Ra 218 |
Patrick Ennis Venture Partner Madrona Venture Group patrick@madrona.com Research Website |
Degree Date: November 1992 Advisor: C.J. "Kim" Lister Dissertation Title: The Structure of the Exotic N=Z Nucleus 64Ge |
Rajeev Erramilli Postdoctoral Fellow Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques rajeev.erramilli@yale.edu He/him/his |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: David Poland Dissertation Title: Bootstrapping Fermionic Conformal Field Theories |
Jiji Fan Assistant Professor Brown University jijifan1982@gmail.com Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Witold Skiba Dissertation Title: Symmetries in particle physics beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry, conformal symmetry and accidental Lorentz symmetry |
Lei Fang JPMorgan Chase lei.x.fang@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2005 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Shell Model Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclei at Finite Temperature |
Paul Fanto Research Staff Member Institute for Defense Analyses -- System Evaluation Division paulfanto11@gmail.com He/His/Him |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Statistical properties of nuclei: beyond the mean-field approximation |
Gustavo Fernandes Co-Founder Circadian Positioning Systems gustavo_fernandes@brown.edu |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: Richard Chang Dissertation Title: Elastic light scattering from aerosol particles and direct coupling of micro-resonators |
William Fickinger Professor Emeritus Case Western Reserve University william.fickinger@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1961 Dissertation Title: Elastic Scattering and Single Pion Production in Proton-Proton Interactions at 2.0 BeV |
Hal Finkel Assistant Computational Scientist Argonne National Laboratory hal.finkel@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: Richard Easther Dissertation Title: Relics of Preheating After Inflation |
Alexander Firestone Professor of Physics Emeritus Iowa State University alexander.firestone@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1966 Advisor: Jack Sandweiss Dissertation Title: Hydrogen Bubble Chamber Study of Mesons K Sub L Decays and K Sub L Regeneration |
Gary D. Fletcher Founder & Principal Consultant RnDDx Solutions LLC gary.d.fletcher@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1983 Advisor: Michael S. Lubell/Vernon Hughes Dissertation Title: Measurements of Spin Dependence in Low Energy Collisions of Electrons and Hydrogen Atoms |
Samuel Flores Dean of Students (Studierektor) Stockholm University samuelflores@gmail.com |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: Mark Gerstein Dissertation Title: Flexibility and domain dynamics of proteins |
Aimé Fournier Research Scientist MIT aime.fournier@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1998 Advisor: Barry Saltzman Dissertation Title: Wavelet Analysis of Atmospheric Blocking Dynamics and Energetics |
Benjamin Foust Postdoctoral Researcher Pacific Northwest National Laboratory benjamin.foust@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2022 Advisor: Karsten Heeger Dissertation Title: Precise Measurement of the U-235 Antineutrino Energy Spectrum |
Merideth Frey Professor of Physics Sarah Lawrence College merideth.frey@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Sean Barrett Dissertation Title: Using Novel Pulse Sequences for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Phosphorus-31 in Hard and Soft Solids |
Jeremy Gaison Linus Pauling Postdoctoral Fellow National Laboratory jeremy.gaison@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-9273 He/him/his |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Karsten Heeger Dissertation Title: Measurement of the Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum of U-235 by PROSPECT and Daya Bay |
Suhas Ganjam Research Scientist Google suhas.ganjam@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Improving the Coherence of Superconducting Quantum Circuits through Loss Characterization and Design Optimization |
Yvonne Gao yvonne.gao@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Multi-cavity Operations in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics |
Kevin Garrity Research Physicist NIST kevin.garrity@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: Ab Initio Studies of Surfaces and Interfaces |
Andrew Gasbarro Postdoctoral Associate andrew.gasbarro@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2018 Advisor: George Fleming Dissertation Title: Studies of Conformal Behavior in Strongly Interacting Quantum Field Theories |
Li Ge Professor College of Staten Island, City University of New York li.ge@csi.cuny.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: A. Douglas Stone Dissertation Title: Steady-state ab initio laser theory and its applications in random and complex media |
Kurtis Geerlings Director of Research Gentex Corporation kurtis.geerlings@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Improving Coherence of Superconducting Qubits and Resonators |
Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu alexandrubogda.georgescu@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: New Methods and Phenomena in The Study of Correlated Complex Oxides |
Howard Georgi Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics Harvard University howard.georgi@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1971 Advisor: Charles Sommerfield Dissertation Title: Scale and Conformal Invariance in Field Theory |
Christopher Gilbreth Lead Physicist Quantum christopher.gilbreth@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Ultracold Fermi Gases: Effective Interactions and Superfluidity |
Nathan Gilfoy Senior Applications Engineer Zygo Corporation nathan.gilfoy@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Experiments with Trapped Rubidiu Cesium Molecules |
Jonathan Gilligan Associate Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences and Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Vanderbilt University jonathan.gilligan@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1991 Advisor: Edward Eyler Dissertation Title: Precise multiphoton spectroscopy of the hydrogen, hydrogen deuteride, and deuterium molecules and a new determination of the ionization potential of hydrogen deuteride |
James Gilmore ACA affiliate member Australian Centre for Astrobiology, UNSW Syndney james.gilmore@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2010 Advisor: Walter Goldberger Dissertation Title: Binary Dynamics, Black Holes, and Inflationary Perturbations: Applications in General Relativity and Field Theory |
John Gipson President NVI, Inc john.gipson@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1982 Advisor: Hsiung Chia Tze Dissertation Title: The Quantum Projection Method and Completely integrable Systems |
David Glenn Research Scientist Harvard University dglenn@cfa.harvard.edu |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Development of Techniques for Cooling and Trapping Polar Diatomic Molecules |
Elena Gramellini Postdoctoral Associate Fermilab elena1987@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2018 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Measurement of the negative pion and positive kaon total hadronic cross sections on argon at the LArIAT experiment |
Daniel Green Graduate School Student, Class of 2018 WC Integ Sci & Tech Ctr , rm. 339 d.green@yale.edu |
Sheridan Green Quantitative Strategist Susquehanna International Group me@sheridan.green Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Frank van den Bosch Dissertation Title: The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure and the significance of halo-to-halo assembly history variance |
Ilya Gruzberg Professor Ohio State University ilya.gruzberg@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1998 Advisor: Nicholas Read Dissertation Title: Supersymmetry method in the study of disordered systems |
Daniel Guest Post-doc University of California Irvine daniel.guest@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Paul Tipton Dissertation Title: A Search for Scalar Charm Quarks with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC |
Erhan Gülmez Professor of Physics Bogazici University erhan.gulmez@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1986 Advisor: J.A. Cizewski Dissertation Title: High Angular Momentum Structure in A-140 Nuclei: ¹⁴⁰Nd, ¹⁴¹Pm |
Ariana Hackenburg Senior Quantitative Researcher Google ariana.hackenburg@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Measurement of a Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Single Neutral Pion Cross Section at MicroBooNE |
Richard Hadsell Retired richard.hadsell@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1975 Advisor: D. Allan Bromley Dissertation Title: Search for High Spin States in Light Rigid Nuclei |
Lee Hagaman Graduate School Student, Class of 2019 WL 230 lee.hagaman@yale.edu |
Advisor: Bonnie Fleming |
Paul Hamilton Assistant Professor University of California, Los Angeles paul.hamilton@ucla.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2010 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Preliminary results in the search for the electron electric dipole moment in PbO* |
Ke Han Associate Professor Shanghai Jiao Tong University ke.han@sjtu.edu.cn |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Jack Sandweiss Dissertation Title: Search for Stable Strange Quark Matter in Lunar Soil |
Zhenyu Han Research Associate University of Oregon zyhan@uoregon.edu |
Degree Date: December 2006 Advisor: Witold Skiba Dissertation Title: Topics in particle physics beyond the standard model |
Connor Hann Research Scientist Amazon Web Services Center for Quantum Computing chann1127@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Steven Girvin Dissertation Title: Practicality of Quantum Random Access Memory |
Russell Hart Principal Hardware Development EngineerPrincipal Draper russell.hart@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Direct measurement of the difference of quantum mechanical scattering phase shifts |
Avi Hauser Partner Hauser Consulting LLC avi.hauser@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1985 Advisor: Thomas Appelquist Dissertation Title: All Masses, Great and Small, in the Electroweak Theory |
Max Hays Postdoctoral Associate max.hays@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Realization of an Andreev spin qubit: Exploring the sub-gap structure of Josephson nanowires using circuit QED |
Mark Heald Professor Emeritus Swathmore College mheald@frontiernet.net |
Degree Date: May 1954 Advisor: Robert Beringer Dissertation Title: MICROWAVE MAGNETIC RESONANCE ABSORPTION IN ATOMIC VAPORS |
Adam Hecht Professor of Nuclear Engineering University of New Mexico adam.hecht@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2004 Advisor: Cornelius Beausang Dissertation Title: Nuclear Chiral Symmetry in the Mass A ~ 130 Region |
Glen Hickey Director Investment Stamford Australia glen.hickey@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1974 Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk Dissertation Title: The Polarization of Neutrons in n-16O Scattering |
Bernard Hicks bernard.hicks@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2014 Advisor: Helen Caines Dissertation Title: Differential Production Cross-Section of Heavy-Flavor Electrons in √s = 2.76 TeV pp collisions at the LHC with the ALICE detector |
Judith Hoeller Postdoctoral Associate judith.hoeller@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Nicholas Read Dissertation Title: Topological quantization of Berry phases in quantum and classical systems |
Eric Holland Staff Scientist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory eric.holland@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-4286 |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Cavity State Reservoir Engineering in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics |
Roy Holt Retired, visiting scientist Caltech rholt@caltech.edu |
Degree Date: December 1972 Advisor: F. W. K. Firk Dissertation Title: The Absolute Polarization of Neutrons from n-12C Scattering |
Frederic Addison Hopf frederic.a.hopf@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1968 Advisor: Marlan Scully Dissertation Title: Theory of an Inhomogeneously Broadened Laser Amplifier |
Stephen Horvat stephen.horvat@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2017 Advisor: Helen Caines Dissertation Title: Measurement of the collision energy dependence of jet-quenching signatures of de-confinement at STAR |
Pai-hsien Hsu Associate Professor National Tsing Hua University pai-hsien.hsu@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Keith Baker Dissertation Title: First measurement of Z bosons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and its implications for new physics beyond the Standard Model |
Viqar Husain Professor University of New Brunswick vigar.husain@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1989 Advisor: Lee Smolin Dissertation Title: Investigations on the canonical quantization of gravity |
Derrick Hylton Associate Professor of Physics Spelman College derrick.hylton@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1988 Advisor: Peter Mohr Dissertation Title: The nuclear size correction to the Lamb shift in hydrogen |
Emma Ideal Research Scientist, Core Data Science Facebook emma.ideal@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Sarah Demers Dissertation Title: A Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Vector Boson and Decaying to a Hadronically-Decaying Tau Pair at ATLAS |
James Ingoldby Postdoctoral Researcher ICTP in Trieste Italy james.ingoldby@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Thomas Appelquist Dissertation Title: EFTs for Nearly Conformal Gauge Theories |
Ako Jamil Associate Research Scholar (Dicke Fellow) Princeton University ako.jamil@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2022 Advisor: David C. Moore Dissertation Title: Rare Event Searches in Liquid Xenon with EXO-200 and nEXO |
Viraaj Jayaram Machine Learning Engineer Schrödinger viraaj.jayaram@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Thierry Emonet Dissertation Title: Normative and Empirical Investigation of the Role of Odor Timing in Drosophila Olfactory Navigation |
Andrew Jayich Postdoctoral Associate University of California, Santa Barbara andrew.jayich@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2012 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Laser cooling a 261 kHz harmonic oscillator |
Scott Jensen Postdoctoral Associate University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign scott.jensen@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Lattice Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of the Unitary Fermi Gas |
Jonathan Jerke Entrepreneurial Lead Quantum Galaxies Corporation jonathan.jerke@quantumgalaxies.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: Charles Baltay Dissertation Title: Study of quasar variability |
Dandan Ji dandan.ji@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: Eric Brown Dissertation Title: Modeling of the dynamics large-scale coherent structures in the system of Rayleigh-Benard Convection |
Yong Jiang yong.jiang@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-1542 Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Progress Towards Searching for Electron Electric Dipole Moment Using PbO |
Yunpeng Ji Postdoctoral Associate Stanford University yunpeng.ji@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2023 Advisor: Nir Navon Dissertation Title: Many-Body Physics in a Ultracold Uniform Fermi Gas |
Luyao Jiang Software Engineer Google luyao.jiang@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Nonreciprocal dynamics in a cryogenic optomechanical system |
Blake Johnson Distinguished Research Scientist IBM blake.johnson@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Controlling Photons in Superconducting Electrical Circuits |
Varun Jorapur Postdoctoral Appointee Argonne National Laboratory varun.jorapur@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux & David DeMille Dissertation Title: Towards a Bose-Einstein Condensate of SrF molecules |
Arvin Kakekhani Postdoctoral Researcher University of Pennsylvania arvink@sas.upenn.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: Ferroelectrics to Tackle Fundamental Challenges in Catalysis |
Nicholas Kaloskamis CEO IEK KEK AXIA nicholas.kaloskamis@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 1994 Advisor: C. J. (Kim) Lister Dissertation Title: APEX: An Experiment to Study Correlated Positron-Electron Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions |
Archana Kamal Assistant Professor Universty of Massachusetts Lowell archana.kamal@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Nonreciprocity in active Josephson junction circuits |
Benjamin Kaplan Director, Data Science Oscar Health benjamin.kaplan@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2012 Advisor: Paul L. Tipton Dissertation Title: Testing the Standard Model of Particle Physics: A Search for New Phenomena in Multilepton Events with the ATLAS detector at the LHC |
Dimitra Karabali Professor of Physics Lehman College, CUNY dimitra.karabali@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1986 Advisor: Thomas Appelquist Dissertation Title: Nonperturbative Aspects of (2+1) Dimensional Field Theories |
Naim Goksel Karacayli Postdoctoral Scholar The Ohio State University naimgoksel.karacayli@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan Dissertation Title: Improving the Cosmic Statistics of Neutral Hydrogen |
Alexander Karpikov Researcher Fidelity Investments alexander.karpikov@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2005 Advisor: Steven Orszag Dissertation Title: Lattice Boltzmann Studies of Turbulence in Non- Newtonian Fluids |
Anna Kashkanova Postdoctoral fellow Max Planck institute for the science of light anna.kashkanova@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Optomechanics with Superfluid Helium |
Jakob Kastelic Instrument Design Engineer / Scientist Stanford Research Systems jakob.kastelic@yale.edu he/him/his |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux & David DeMille Dissertation Title: Search for Time-Reversal-Symmetry Violation in Thallium Fluoride Using a Cryogenic Buffer-Gas Beam Source |
Louis Kastens Data Analyst Planet Ecosystems louis.kastens@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Daniel McKinsey Dissertation Title: Calibration of Two-Phase Liquid Xenon Detectors for the Direct Detection of Dark Matter |
Stanley Kaufman Retired formerly TSI Inc, Shoreview, MN stanley.kaufman@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1968 Advisor: Willis E. Lamb, Jr. Dissertation Title: A Measurement of the Doublet-2S(1/2) to Doublet-2P(3/2) Energy Separationin Atomic Hydrogen |
Steve Kettell Senior Scientist Brookhaven National Laboratory steve.kettell@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1990 Advisor: Vernon Hughes Dissertation Title: Measurement of the doublet-2S(1/2)-doublet-2P(3/2) fine structure interval in muonium |
Zuhair Khandker Postdoctoral Researcher University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign zuhair.khandker@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Walter Goldberger Dissertation Title: Embedding Methods for Conformal Field Theor |
Prashanta Kharel Device Lead and Founding Team Member Hyperlight Corporation prashanta.kharel@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-4228 |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Peter Rakich Dissertation Title: Utilizing Brillouin Interactions for Optical Control of Bulk Acoustic Waves. |
Matthew King Graduate School Student, Class of 2022 SPL 76/SPL 58 matt.king@yale.edu |
Steven Klepper Technical Director, Science & Technology Raytheon Company steven.klepper@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1991 Advisor: Daniel Prober Dissertation Title: Sensitivity of quantum electron conductance to elastic scatterers and to spin-orbit scattering in gallium arsenide heterostructures |
Anders Knospe Assistant Professor Lehigh University anders.knospe@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Yield and suppression of electrons from open heavy-flavor decays in heavy-ion collisions |
Kevin Koch Associate Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering Medical College of Wisconsin kmkoch@mcw.edu |
Degree Date: May 2007 Advisor: Douglas Rothman & Robin de Graaf Dissertation Title: In Vivo Static Field Perturbations in Magnetic Resonance |
Peter Koo Assistant Professor Simons Center for Quantitative Biology at cold Spring Harbor Laboratory peter.koo@aya.yale.edu Phone: 203-432-4086 |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Simon Mochrie Dissertation Title: Novel optical-based methods and analyses for elucidating cellular mechanics and dynamics |
Filip Kos Postdoc UC Berkeley filip.kos@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2016 Advisor: David Poland Dissertation Title: Bootstrapping 3D CFTs |
V. Alan Kostelecky Distinguished Professor Indiana University alan.kostelecky@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1982 Advisor: Samuel MacDowell Dissertation Title: Geometric Construction of Extended Supergravity |
Stefan Krastanov Postdoctoral Associate TBD stefan.krastanov@yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Liang Jiang Dissertation Title: New Approaches to Control, Calibration, and Optimization of Quantum Hardware |
Lev Krayzman Post-Doctorate Student Princeton University lev.krayzman@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2022 Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Thin-film Resonators for Superconducting Quantum Circuits |
Jeffrey Kruk Research Astrophysicist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center jeffrey.kruk@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1983 Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk Dissertation Title: A Study of the Electric Polarizability of the Neutron by Low Energy Resonant Scattering (Bismuth-209) |
Emily Kuhn NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellow NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) emily.kuhn@yale.edu She/her/hers |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: Laura Newburgh Dissertation Title: Calibration Instrumentation for the Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment (HIRAX) |
Vlad Kurilovich Research Scientist Google Quantum AI in Santa Barbara vlad.kurilovich@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Leonid Glazman Dissertation Title: Criticality in Majorana wires |
Norman Lam Postdoctoral Associate MIT norman.lam@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: John Murray Dissertation Title: Inhibitory Regulation of Cognitive Functions in Cortical and Thalamic Circuits: Computational Mechanisms and Experimental Predictions |
Nicole Larsen AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow United States Department of Defense nicole.larsen@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Daniel McKinsey Dissertation Title: An Effective Field Theory Analysis of The First LUX Dark Matter Search |
Zack Lasner Postdoctoral Researcher Harvard University zack.lasner@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Order-of-magnitude-tighter bound on the electron electric dipole moment |
Claudia Lau claudia.lau@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Charles Ahn Dissertation Title: Structural characterization of epitaxial oxide heterostructures via X-ray scattering |
Michael Lauterbach Retired None michael.lauterbach@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1977 Advisor: Rober Adair/Henry Kasha Dissertation Title: Polarization of Prompt Muons |
David Morris Lee James Gilbert White Distinguished Professor in the Physical Sciences, Emeritus & Nobel Laureate 1996 Cornell University david.m.lee@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1959 Advisor: Henry Fairbank Dissertation Title: The Thermal Conductivity and the Density of Liquid Helium-3 |
Lawrence Lee Assistant Professor University of Tennessee, Knoxville lawrence.lee@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2014 Advisor: Tobias Golling Dissertation Title: A Search for B-violating Supersymmetry in Multijet Signatures at the ATLAS Experiment |
Linwood Lee Professor Emeritus Stony Brook University linwood.lee@stonybrook.edu |
Sangjae Lee Postdoctoral Assoicate Seoul National University sangjaelee93@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Charles Ahn Dissertation Title: Physics of the Electronic Structure and Collective Excitations in Transition Metal Compounds |
Andrew Leister Data Scientist Senior Freddie Mac andrew.leister@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2015 Advisor: Sarah Demers Dissertation Title: A Search for Z' Gauge Bosons Decaying to Tau-Antitau Pairs in Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector |
Rachel Lewis Assistant Director Centre for Operations Excellence, UBC Sauder School of Business rachel.lewis@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2005 Advisor: Peter Parker Dissertation Title: Resonances of Proton Capture on the Isomer of Al-26 in Si- 27 |
Dale Li Staff Scientist SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory daleli@slac.stanford.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2007 Advisor: Sean Barrett Dissertation Title: Unexpected spin echoes in dipolar solids: Intrinsic effects of finite Pi pulses on quantum coherence |
Daliang Li Senior AI Research Engineer Google daliang.li@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Witold Skiba Dissertation Title: Covariant Methods for Superconformal Field Theories |
Daming Li Applied Scientist Uber Technologies, Inc. daming.li@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2022 Advisor: John Murray Dissertation Title: Bistable Neural Dynamics Underlying Cognition and Spontaneous Activity: Computational Modeling and Empirical Analysis |
Jingping Li Postdoctoral Assoicate Carnegie Mellon University li.jingping@caschina.org |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Walter Goldberger Dissertation Title: The Wordline Effective Field Theory of Spinning Gravitational Sources |
Kaicheng Li Machine Learning Engineer Uber Technologies, Inc. kaicheng.li@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Low Energy Excess and Anomaly Search with MicroBooNE |
Ke Li Partner Goldman Sachs keli2000@gmail.com |
Degree Date: May 2005 Advisor: Michael Schmidt Dissertation Title: A time-dependent angular analysis of B0s to J/psi phi and B0d to J/psi Kstar0, and, A measurement of the width difference in the B0s system |
Ruoxin Li Senior Director, Advanced Analytics Iqvia li.ruoxin@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2007 Advisor: Kurt Gibble Dissertation Title: Phase Variations in microwave carvities for atomic clocks |
Efthymios Liarokapis Professor Emeritus National Technical University of Athens efthymios.liarokapis@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 1979 Advisor: Jack Greenberg Dissertation Title: X-rays from selected quasimolecular transitions |
Frank Chi-Wen Lin Professor Emeritus University of Maryland Eastern Shore frank.lin@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1965 Dissertation Title: Phase Shift Analysis of Low Energy Pion-Nucleon Scattering |
Guoji Lin software developer team lead Bloomberg gouji.lin@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Jack Sandweiss Dissertation Title: Electro-magnetic physics studies at RHIC: Neutral pion production, direct photon HBT, photon elliptic flow in gold-gold collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV and the Muon Telescope Detector simulation |
Steven Linden Detector Physicist Brookhaven National Laboratory steven.linden@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Measurement of the muon neutrino charged current pion production to quasi-elastic cross section ratio on mineral oil in a 0.8 GeV neutrino beam |
Hugh Lippincott Associate Professor University of California, Santa Barbara hlippincott@ucsb.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2010 Advisor: Daniel McKinsey Dissertation Title: DEAP/CLEAN: Detecting dark matter with liquid argon and liquid neon |
Chia-Jung “Charlie” Liu VP, Engineering IP Management Charter Communications chia-jung.liu@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1988 Advisor: Vernon Hughes Dissertation Title: Part I. A new method for optical measurement of proton polarization. Part II. Orientation of H(2P) by beam-tilted-foil interaction |
Tong Liu Quantitative Researcher Squarepoint Capital tong.liu@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Helen Caines Dissertation Title: Inclusive Hadron Yield Analysis in Small and Mid-sized Collision Systems at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV at STAR |
Xin Li Postdoctoral Associate xin.li.xl288@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-4240 |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Mark Reed Dissertation Title: Nano-confined interfaces: from artificial ion channels to nanofluidic battery |
Sarah Lockwitz Physicist Fermilab sarah.lockwitz@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2012 Advisor: Paul Tipton Dissertation Title: A Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in CDF II Data |
Anthony Lollo Senior Data Scientist CVS Health anthony.lollo@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Phase slips in isolated mesoscopic superconducting rings |
Junjiajia Long junjiajia.long@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: Thierry Emonet Dissertation Title: From Individual to Collective Behavior: The Role of Memory and Diversity in Bacterial Navigation |
Xinhui Lu Associate Professor The Chinese University of Hong Kong xinhui.lu@cuhk.edu.hk Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: Simon Mochrie Dissertation Title: Dynamic and static structure studies of colloidal suspensions with XPCS, SAXS and XNFS |
Tyler Lutz Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/postdoc Universiät Magdeburg tlutz@uchicago.edu He/her/its |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: John Wettlaufer Dissertation Title: Frictional, Large-Deformation Poroelastic Flow: Theory and Experiments |
Rongrong Ma Postdoctoral Research Associate Brookhaven National Laboratory rongrong.ma@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2014 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Jet measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions in ALICE |
Manuel Mai Machine Learning Engineer Spotify manuel.mai@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Outcome Prediction and Reconstruction for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations |
Ana Malagon Software Developer Droit Financial Technologies, LLC ana.malagon@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2014 Advisor: O. Keith Baker Dissertation Title: Search for 140 microeV Pseudoscalar and Vector Dark Matter Using Microwave Cavities |
Vladimir Manucharyan Associate Professor University of Maryland vladimir.manucharyan@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2012 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Superinductance: a New Element for Quantum Circuits |
Peiyuan Mao Senior Quantitative Rsearcher Akuna Capital LLC peiyuan.mao@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Meg Urry Dissertation Title: Blazar Demographics: Intrinsic Properties of Jet-Dominated Active Galactic Nuclei |
Louis Marchildon Professor of Physics (Emeritus) Universite du quebec a Trois-Rivieres louis.marchildon@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1978 Advisor: Feza Gursey Dissertation Title: Applications of some graded Lie groups to the study of nonlinear supersymmetric Lagrangians |
Nicholas Masluk Research Staff Member / Manager IBM nicholas.masluk@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Purifying the environment of the fluxonium artificial atom |
David Mason Postdoctoral Associate david.mason@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Dynamical Behavior near Exceptional Points in an Optomechanical System |
Harsh Mathur Professor of Physics Case Western Reserve University harsh.mathur@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1994 Advisor: A. Douglas Stone Dissertation Title: Disorder and Interaction Effects in Mesoscopic Conductors |
Catherine Matulis Engineer Mathworks catherine.matulis@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Damon Clark Dissertation Title: Contrast adaptation in Drosophila direction-selective circuits |
Joseph L. McCauley Professor of Physics Emeritus University of Houston joseph.l.mccauley@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1972 Advisor: Lars Onsager Dissertation Title: Brownian Motion Theory of Capture and Release of Negative Ions by Quantized Vortex Lines in HE II |
Christopher McKitterick Engagement Manager McKinsey and Company chris.mckitterick@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2015 Advisor: Daniel Prober Dissertation Title: Prospects for Ultra-sensitive Terahertz Photon Detection with Graphene |
David Meltzer Postdoctoral Fellow david.meltzer@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: David Poland Dissertation Title: Topics in the Analytic Bootstrap |
Jason Merrill Software Developer Desmos, Inc. jason.merrill@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: Eric Dufresne Dissertation Title: Many-body force and mobility measurements in colloidal systems |
Aaron Mertz Director, Science & Society Program Aspen Institute aaron.mertz@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Eric Dufresne Dissertation Title: Collective Mechanics of Epithelial Cells |
Michael Metcalfe Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland, College Park mbm@umd.edu |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: A new microwave resonator readout scheme for superconducting qubits |
George Mias Chief of Systems Biology Division, IQ Center, MSU, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Michigan State University george.mias@gmail.com Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2007 Advisor: Steven Girvin Dissertation Title: Domains of Quantum Magnetism |
Neal Moore Retired Formerly University of Nevada, Reno neal.moore@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1962 Advisor: Henry Margenau Dissertation Title: I. Energy of Interaction of Two Helium Atoms. II. An Examination of the Adequacy of Configuration Interaction Techniques to Account for Correlation in Atomic Problems |
James Mulligan Postdoctoral Associate james.mulligan@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Inclusive jet measurements in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE |
Shantanu Mundhada Senior Quantum Engineer Quantum Circuits, Inc. shantanu.mundhada@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Hardware-efficient autonomous quantum error correction |
John Murray Gregg L. Engles Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences Dartmouth College john.murray@yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Xiao-Jing Wang Dissertation Title: Local and Long-range Dynamics in Cognitive Cortical Circuits |
Eric Myers Professional Faculty State University of New York at New Paltz eric.myers@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1984 Advisor: Alan Chodos Dissertation Title: Calculation of the Gravitational Casimir Energy and Gauge Field Couplings in Non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein |
Christine Nattrass Assistant Professor University of Tennessee, Knoxvill christine.nattrass@utk.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: System size, energy, and particle type dependence of di-hadron correlations in heavy ion collisions |
Ethan Neil Assistant Professor University of Colorado, Boulder ethan.neil@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Thomas Appelquist Dissertation Title: Dependence of Yang-Mills theory on the number of light fermions |
Daniel Nemes daniel.nemes@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2023 Advisor: Helen Caines Dissertation Title: Semi-Inclusive Measurement of the Shared Groomed Momentum Fraction of Jets in Au+Au Collisions at STAR |
Konstantin Nesterov Research Scientist Bleximo Corp. konstantin.nesterov@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Mesoscopic Effects in Chaotic Metallic Nanoparticles |
Kyungjoo Noh Quantum Research Scientist Amazon Web Services kyungjoo.noh@yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Liang Jiang Dissertation Title: Quantum computation and communication in bosonic systems |
Danielle Norcini KICP and Grainger Fellow University of Chicago danielle.norcini@yale.edu She/her/hers |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Karsten Heeger Dissertation Title: A search for eV-scale sterile neutrinos and precision measurement of the U-235 antineutrino spectrum with the PROSPECT experiment |
Eric Norrgard Research Scientist NIST eric.norrgard@nist.gov Phone: 203-432-3834 |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Magneto-optical trapping of diatomic molecules |
Brendon O'Leary brendon.oleary@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: In search of the electron's electric dipole moment in thorium monoxide: an improved upper limit, systematic error models, and apparatus upgrades |
Saehanseul Oh Postdoctoral Associate Brookhaven National Lab saehanseul.oh@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-6259 |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Correlations in particle production in proton-lead and lead-lead collisions at the LHC |
Alice Ohlson Associate Senior Lecturer Lund University alice.ohlson@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Investigating Parton Energy Loss with Jet-hadron Correlations and Jet vn at STAR |
Michael Oliver michael.oliver@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Measurement of Correlations Between Neutral Pions and Charged Hadrons in Heavy Ion Collisions with ALICE |
Catherine Olmer Professor Emeritus, Indiana University and Chief Financial Officer WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology catherine.olmer@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1976 Advisor: Karl A. Erb Dissertation Title: Heavy-Ion Induced Multinucleon Transfer Reactions in the 2S-1D Shell |
Elaine Oran Distinguished Research Professor Texas A&M University elaine.oran@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1972 Advisor: Michael Thorpe/Peter Levy Dissertation Title: A Theoretical Study of a Spin Hamiltonian with Biquadratic Pair Interactions |
Peter Orth Associate Professor Iowa State University peter.orth@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: Karyn Le Hur Dissertation Title: Dissipative dynamics and novel quantum phases in strongly correlated cold-atom mixtures |
Samantha Pagan Postdoctoral Associate WLC 254B samantha.pagan@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Reina Maruyama Dissertation Title: Physics on the keV Energy Scale with CUORE: A Search for Solar Axions |
Michela Paganini Postdoctoral Researcher Facebook AI Research michela.paganini@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: Paul Tipton Dissertation Title: Machine Learning in High Energy Physics: Applications to Electromagnic Shower Generation, Flavor Tagging, and the Search for di-Higgs Production |
Jingjing Pan Postdoctoral Associate Brown University jingjing.pan@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Keith Baker Dissertation Title: Exploring the Standard Model and Beyond Through the Lens of Jet Substructure and Deep Learning with the ATLAS Experiment |
Anuj Parikh Actor xrayburst@gmail.com Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2006 Advisor: Peter Parker Dissertation Title: Production of 26Al in Oxygen-Neon-Magnesium Novae |
Kinga Partyka SVP, Senior Lead Enterprise Risk Officer, Connsumer Data & Engagement Platforms Wells Fargo kinga.partyka@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Exclusive Muon-Neutrino Charged Current mu+Np topologies in ArgoNeuT |
Evan Pease Data Scientist Cisco Systems evan.pease@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2017 Advisor: Daniel McKinsey Dissertation Title: Rare-event searches in liquid xenon with the LUX and LUX-ZEPLIN detectors |
Ryan Petersburg Senior Professional Staff 1 Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory rpetersburg@gmail.com Phone: 203-436-8109 |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: Debra Fischer Dissertation Title: Exoplanet Measurement to the Extreme: Novel Methods of Instrumentation and Data Extraction for Radial-velocity Spectrographs |
Andrei Petrenko andrei.petrenko@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Enhancing the Lifetime of Quantum Information with Cat States in Superconducting Cavities |
Tudor Petrescu Postdoctoral Fellow University of Sherbrooke alexandru.petrescu@usherbrooke.ca |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Karyn Le Hur Dissertation Title: Topological phases with ultracold atoms and photons |
Mariel Pettee Chamberlain Fellow Lawrence Berkeley National Lab mariel.pettee@gmail.com She/her/hers |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: Sarah Demers Dissertation Title: Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Methods for Particle Physics |
Matthew Phillips Lead Analytical Scientist FICO matthew.phillips@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2012 Advisor: Gordon M. Shepherd Dissertation Title: Sensory Processing in the Olfactory Bulb: From Lateral Inhibition to Behavior |
William Pontius Senior Software Engineer Mighty.com william.pontius@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Thierry Emonet Dissertation Title: The Molecular Origins and Functional Role of Noise in a Simple Sensory Network |
Andrew Poon Professor The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology andrew.poon@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2001 Advisor: Richard Chang Dissertation Title: Optical resonances of two-dimensional microcavities with circular and non-circular shapes |
Meredith Powell Porat Fellow Stanford meredith.powell@yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: Meg Urry Dissertation Title: The Environments of Accreting Supermassive Black Holes |
Stephen Powell Associate Professor University of Nottingham Stephen.Powell@nottingham.ac.uk Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2007 Advisor: R. Shankar Dissertation Title: Quantum phases and transitions of many -body systems realized using cold atomic gases |
Siddharth Prabhu Postdoctoral fellow siddharth.prabhu@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-9283 |
Degree Date: December 2018 Advisor: Walter Goldberger Dissertation Title: Gluon and Graviton Radiation from the Classical Double Copy |
Susan Pratt Law School Student Georgetown University susan.pratt@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Simon Mochrie Dissertation Title: Development and implementation of a reversibly-interacting TRAP-peptide pair as a live-cell imaging strategy |
Jing Qian Senior Associate Consultant Mayo Clinic jing.qian@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Andreas Heinz Dissertation Title: Commissioning of a new focal plane detection system of SASSYER and spectroscopy of rutherfordium-257 |
David Rahmlow Senior Scientist Wyatt Technology drahmlow@wyatt.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Towards a measurement of parity nonconservation in diatomic molecules |
Arthur Ramirez Professor physics University of California Santa Cruz arthur.ramirez@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1984 Advisor: Verner Wolf Dissertation Title: Measurement of the Specific Heat of Cesium Nickel Fluoride: a Search for Spin Solitons |
Aleksander Rebane Postdoctoral Associate aleksander.rebane@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Yongli Zhang and James E. Rothman Dissertation Title: Exploring free energy landscapes of SNARE assembly using optical tweezers |
Matthew Reed Research Staff Physicist HRL Laboratories matthew.reed@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Entanglement and Quantum Error Correction with Superconducting Qubits |
Elizabeth Ricard-McCutchan Res Staff 6 Physics Brookhaven National Laboratory mccutchan@bnl.gov Research Website She,her,hers |
Degree Date: May 2006 Advisor: Richard Casten Dissertation Title: Critical phase/shape transitions in heavy nuclei |
Charles Riley Manager, Finance & Strategy ConnectGen LLC charles.kent.riley@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Jack Sandweiss Dissertation Title: Searching for Local Parity Violation in Heavy Ion Collisions |
Mike Ritter Tech Lead / Manager Google mike.ritter@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1984 Advisor: Vernon Hughes Dissertation Title: Positronium Spectroscopy: Precise Measurement of he Ground State Hyperfine Interval |
Timothy Roach Associate Professor of Physics College of the Holy Cross timothy.roach@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1996 Advisor: Edward Hinds Dissertation Title: Interaction of laser-cooled atoms and magnetic surfaces |
Marc Rosenthal Associate Fellowship Director, Emergency Medical Services Wayne State University marc.rosenthal@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1982 Advisor: Peter Parker Dissertation Title: High Spin States in Lu-163 and Lu-165 and Backbending in Rare Earth Nuclei |
Jared Rovny Princeton Quantum Institute Postdoctoral Fellow Princeton University jared.rovny@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Sean Barrett Dissertation Title: New NMR Applications and Methods: Discrete Time Crystalline Signatures and Accelerated Acquisition using Iterated Maps |
Brooke Russell Owen Chamberlain Postdoctoral Fellow Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory brooke.russell@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: An Electron Neutrino Appearance Search in MicroBooNE with 5$\times$10$^{19}$ POT |
Luis Saldana Senior Data Scientist The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. luis.saldana@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Karsten Heeger Dissertation Title: Novel Signal Reconstruction Techniques in Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy for Neutrino Mass Measurement |
Savil Salur Associate Professor Rutgers University salur@physics.rutgers.edu |
Degree Date: May 2006 Advisor: John Harris Dissertation Title: Investigation of hadronic resonances with STAR |
Vahid Sandoghdar Director Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light vahid.sandoghdar@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1993 Advisor: Edward Hinds Dissertation Title: Direct measurement of the Lennard-Jonesvan der Waals energy of an atom in a sub-micron cavity |
Alex Sandomirsky Quantitative Researcher Midpoint Markets alex.sandomirsky@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Witold Skiba Dissertation Title: Explicit Conformal Blocks |
Lauren Saunders Postdoctoral Research Associate Fermilab lauren.saunders@yale.edu She/her/hers |
Degree Date: December 2023 Advisor: Laura Newburgh Dissertation Title: Telescope Pointing for the Simons Observatory: Data Acquisition & Control Software, Calibration, and Modeling |
Veronica Savu CEO and co-founder Morphotonix veronica.savu@morphotonix.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2007 Advisor: Daniel Prober Dissertation Title: The light at the end of the tunnel junction: Improving the energy resolution of UV single -photon spectrometers using diffusion engineering |
Giacomo Scanavini giacomo.scanavini@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: First measurement of neutral current neutral pion production differential cross sections on argon |
Flavius Schackert Software Engineer, Machine Learning Facebook, Inc. flavius.schackert@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: A Practical Quantum-Limited Parametric Amplifier Based on the Josephson Ring Modulator |
Sebastian Schmidt Patent Attorney Quantum IP schmidt@quantumpatents.com Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2008 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Electron interactions in chaotic metallic grains |
Grant Schumacher Quantitative Researcher Susquehanna International Group grant.schumacher@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Nir Navon Dissertation Title: Stability of a Three-Component Fermi Gas |
David Schuster Associate Professor of Physics University of Chicago David.Schuster@uchicago.edu |
Degree Date: May 2007 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics |
Carl Schreck Senior Bioinformatics Scientist Center for Pediatric Genomic Medicine at Children's Mercy Hospital carl.schreck@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2012 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Mechanical and vibrational properties of model granular media |
Philip Scott Retired Eye Physicians of North Houston philip.scott@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1970 Advisor: Werner P. Wolf Dissertation Title: Magneto-optical effects in some rare earth hydroxides |
Daniel Seara Postdoctoral Fellow University of Chicago dsseara@gmail.com |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: Michael Murrell Dissertation Title: Energetics of biological mechanics and dynamics |
Adam Sears Data Scientist LyondellBasell adam.sears@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Extending Coherence of Superconducting Qubits: from microseconds to milliseconds |
Ibrahim Semiz Professor of Physics Bogazici University ibrahim.semiz@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1992 Advisor: Vincent Moncrief Dissertation Title: On Dyonic Black Holes and Cosmic Censorship |
Will Shanks Researcher IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Will.shanks@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Jack harris Dissertation Title: Persistent Currents in Normal Metal Rings |
Tianqi Shen Quantitative Researcher Laurion Capital Management LP tianqi.shen@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2014 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Contact Percolation, Fragility and Frictional Packings |
Hyungki Andrew Shim hyungki.shim@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Owen Miller Dissertation Title: Probing the Upper Limits to Light–Matter Interactions: from Spontaneous Emission to Superresolution |
Toshihiko Shimasaki Assistant Project Scientist University of California, Santa Barbara toshihiko.shimasaki@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Continuous Production of 85Rb133Cs Molecules in the Rovibronic Ground State via Short-Range Photoassociation |
Kidae Shin Undecided kidae.shin@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Charles Ahn Dissertation Title: MBE-grown Thin Films for Novel Applications: From Single Atomic Layer Ferroelectrics to Isotopically Pure Quantum Memories |
Alexey Shkarin Postdoctoral Fellow Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light alexey.shkarin@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Quantum Optomechanics with Superfluid Helium |
Joseph Shomar Sports Analyst Major League Baseball joseph.shomar@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Damon Clark Dissertation Title: Visual Circuits for Distance Estimation in Walking Drosophila |
Tong Shu Postdoctoral Associate Institute of System Genetics in NYU School of Medicine shutongshutong@gmail.com Phone: 203-785-5873 |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: James Rothman Dissertation Title: Molecular Mechanisms of Regulated SNARE Assembly Revealed by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy |
Pierre Sikivie Distinguished Professor of Physics University of Florida pierre.sikivie@aya.yale.edu Distinguished Professor of Physics Research Website |
Degree Date: December 1975 Advisor: Feza Gursey Dissertation Title: Lepton and Hadron Spectra in Universal Gauge Theories |
Volodymyr Sivak Research Scientist Google Quantum AI vladimir.sivak@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Quantum Error Correction Beyond Break-Even |
Katrina Sliwa Physicist Quantum Circuits, Inc. katrina.sliwa@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Minimizing Effects Detrimental to the Heisenberg Back-Action of Qubit Measurements with Parametric Amplifiers |
Andrew Smith Retired Formerly NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center andrew.smith@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1962 Advisor: Frederick E. Steigert Dissertation Title: Mutual Excitation in the C12 - C12 System |
Clarke Smith Postdoctoral Fellow Inria clarke.smith@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Design of Protected Superconducting Qubits |
William Smith Senior Software Engineer Datadog wendell.smith@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Modeling Diffusion and Motion in Cells at the Molecular Level |
Hasuk Francis Song Research Scientist DeepMind francis.song@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2012 Advisor: Karyn Le Hur Dissertation Title: Entanglement in Quantum Many-Body Systems |
Joshua Spitz Norman M Leff Assistant Professor University of Michigan joshua.spitz@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Measuring Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Differential Cross Sections with a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber |
Matthew Steinecker matthew.steinecker@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling and Magnetic Trapping of SrF Molecules |
Robert Steiner Director, Online Teacher Education Programs American Museum of Natural History robert.steiner@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1985 Advisor: Jack Sandweiss Dissertation Title: Charged Hadron Production in Positive Pion-Proton, Positive Kaon-Proton and Proton-Proton interactions at 200 Gev/C |
David Stewart Postdoctoral Associate Wayne State University david.j.stewart@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: Helen Caines Dissertation Title: Jet to Event Activity Correlations in Small System Collisions at STAR |
Joseph Sullivan Postdoctoral Fellow University of British Columbia joseph.m.sullivan@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: Meng Cheng Dissertation Title: Quilting topological phases of matter with quantum thread: a Luttinger liquid love letter |
Tomomi Sunayama Postdoctoral Fellow Kavli Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Universe tomomi.sunayama@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2016 Advisor: Nikhil Padamanabhan Dissertation Title: Using galaxy surveys as a precision tool to measure dark energy |
William Sweeney Data Scientist VideaHealth william.sweeney@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: A. Douglas Stone Dissertation Title: Electromagnetic Eigenvalue Problems and Nonhermitian Effects in Linear and Saturable Scattering |
Stephen Takach Lead Consultant Decision Focussed Analytics stephen.takach@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1993 Advisor: Paul Karchin Dissertation Title: The production distributions of positive,negative D meson and neutral D meson/neutral D antimeson from negative pion neutron interactions |
Brian Tennyson Sensor Systems Engineer brian.tennyson@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2017 Advisor: Daniel McKinsey Dissertation Title: Two Phase Liquid-Gas Xenon Time Projection Chambers: Theory, Applications, and Analysis |
James Teoh Quantum Engineer Quantum Circuits Inc. james.teoh@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2023 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Error Detected Operations for Bosonic Quantum Information Processing |
John Teufel Lecturer NIST john.teufel@nist.gov Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Superconducting tunnel junctions as direct detectors for submillimeter astronomy |
Savannah Thais Research Faculty Columbia University Data Science Institute savannah.thais@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2019 Advisor: Sarah Demers Dissertation Title: Utilizing Electrons in the Search for Associated Higgs Production with the ATLAS Detector: Higgs decaying to a tau pair and vector boson decaying leptonically |
William Thompson Postdoctoral Associate Harvard william.thompson@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: Reina Maruyama Dissertation Title: Searching for Dark Matter with COSINE-100 |
Chuan Tian Research Associate Yale University chuan.tian@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Meg Urry Dissertation Title: Deciphering the Trigger of Luminous AGNs through the Lens of Artificial Neural Networks |
Oskari Timgren Sales Support Data Scientist SentiLink oskari.timgren@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux & David DeMille Dissertation Title: Progress towards a measurement of time-reversal symmetry violation in thallium fluoride |
Andrew Ton Machine Learning Engineer Evernorth Health Services andrew.ton@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2025 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Computational Studies of Tissue Development and Repair |
Elie Track CEO nVizix LLC eli.track@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1988 Advisor: Daniel Prober Dissertation Title: Electron tunneling studies in tantalum overlayers on niobium and in tantalum and niobium nitride films |
Olivier Trottier otrottier11@gmail.com |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: Joe Howard Dissertation Title: Morphogenesis of class IV neurons in Drosophila melanogaster |
William Turner Deceased william.turner@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1973 Advisor: Jack Sandweiss/William Willis Dissertation Title: Muon Polarization in the Decay KoL-> pi- mu+ numu, An Experimental Test of Time Reversal Invariance |
Lucie Tvrznikova Postdoctoral Researcher Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory lucie.tvrznikova@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2019 Advisor: Daniel McKinsey Dissertation Title: Sub-GeV dark matter searches and electric field studies for the LUX and LZ experiments |
Will Tyndall Postdoctoral Associate McGill University will.tyndall@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2024 Advisor: Laura Newburgh Dissertation Title: Drone Calibration Systems for 21 cm Cosmology Experiments |
Mitchell Underwood Principal Engineer of Industrial Laser Research and Development Coherent Inc mitchell.underwood@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2016 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Cryogenic Optomechanics with a Silicon Nitride Membrane |
Sinan Utku Special Counsel & U.S. Patent Attourney Covington & Burling LLP sinan.utku@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1994 Advisor: Peter Parker Dissertation Title: The connection of the hot carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle and the rp-process at fluorine-18 |
Mark Vagins Professor of Physics University of Tokyo, Kavli IPMU/University of California, Irvine mark.vagins@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: March 1994 Advisor: Michael Schmidt Dissertation Title: A measurement of the branching ratio for the long-lived neutral kaon going to two electrons and two positrons |
Kyle VanderWerf kyle.vanderwerf@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-7654 |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: Corey O'Hern Dissertation Title: Geometry and Contact Mechanics of Athermal Jammed Packings of Frictionless Spherical and Nonspherical Particles |
Sohan Vartak Educational Officer Amsterdam University of Applied Science sohan.vartak@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2023 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Nuclear Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei in the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method |
Jared Vasquez Senior Data Scientist jared.vasquez@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2018 Advisor: Paul Tipton Dissertation Title: Illuminating the Higgs boson: Measurement of the properties of the Higgs boson in the diphoton channel |
Mary Vasu mary.vasu@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2007 Advisor: Vincent Moncrief Dissertation Title: Explicit results of first order perturbation study of Bianchi III manifolds: Dust and radiation |
Jukka Vayrynen Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy Purdue University vayrynen@purdue.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Leonid Glazman Dissertation Title: Electron transport along the edge of a topological insulator |
Jaya Venkatraman Postdoctoral Researcher University of California, Santa Barbara jayameena95@gmail.com Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Controlling the effective Hamiltonian of a driven quantum superconducting circuit |
Dale Visser Research Staff Member Institute for Defense Analyses dale.visser@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2003 Advisor: Peter Parker Dissertation Title: Particle decay branching ratios for states of astrophysical importance in neon-19 |
Brian Vlastakis Lead Quantum R&D Oxford Quantum Circuits brian.vlastakis@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2015 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Controlling coherent state superpositions with superconducting circuits |
Uri Vool Postdoc fellow (JHDSF) Harvard University uri.vool@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2017 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Engineering synthetic quantum operations |
Gennady Voronov Staff Machine Learning Scientist Ennveda Biosciences gennady.voronov@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2014 Advisor: George Fleming Dissertation Title: The Extent of the Two-Color Fundamental Conformal Window |
Amar Vutha Assistant Professor University of Toronto amar.vutha@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: A search for the electric dipole moment of the electron with thorium monoxide |
Martin Waine Retired Formerly AARP Tax Aide martin.waine@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1965 Advisor: Glen A. Rebka, Jr. Dissertation Title: The Polarization of Nuclei in Solid Deuterium |
Richard Wall Physics Teacher The Hewitt School richard.wall@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Paul Tipton Dissertation Title: A study of heavy flavor quarks produced in association with top quark pair events at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector |
Brian Walsh Economist World Bank brian.j.walsh@yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Tobias Golling Dissertation Title: Search for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in 2011 ATLAS data |
Qian Wan Co-founder Lonk, Inc. qian.wan@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2006 Advisor: Francesco Iachello Dissertation Title: A Unified Description of Baryon Form Factors |
Peter Wanderer Senior scientist Brookhaven National Laboratory peter.wanderer@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1970 Advisor: Robert K. Adair Dissertation Title: Search for the Intermediate Vector Boson |
Chris Wang Grainger Postdoctoral Fellow University of Chicago christopher.wang@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Bosonic quantum simulation in circuit quantum electrodynamics |
Liyao Wang Quantitative Associate JPMorgan Chase & Company liyao.wang@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2014 Advisor: Mokshay Madiman Dissertation Title: Heat capacity bound, energy fluctuations and convexity |
Ruquan Wang Associate Professor Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences ruquanwang@iphy.ac.cn Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2006 Advisor: Mark Kasevich Dissertation Title: Approaching lithium BEC with a mini trap |
Xiaoxiao Wang Senior Data Scientist Google wangxiao420@gmail.com Phone: 203-436-5188 |
Degree Date: May 2015 Advisor: Tobias Golling Dissertation Title: Search for a supersymmetric partner of the top quark using boosted top quark identification with the ATLAS detector |
Christian Weber Research Associate Physics Brookhaven National Lab christian.weber@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-2181 |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: Keith Baker Dissertation Title: New Search for H→ZZ_d→4l using pp collision data at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
Angela White Graduate School Student, Class of 2021 WL 230 angela.white@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-3548 |
Martin White Faculty University of California, Berkeley martin.white@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1992 Advisor: Lawrence M. Krauss Dissertation Title: Investigations in particle physics and cosmology |
Elizabeth Williams Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor) Australian National University elizabeth.williams@anu.edu.au Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Volker Werner Dissertation Title: A study of transitional collective behavior in heavy nuclei |
Suzanne Willis Professor Emerita Northern Illinois University suzanne.willis@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1979 Advisor: Vernon Hughes Dissertation Title: A Lampf Neutrino Experiment to Test Muon Number Conservation |
Ryan Winkler Postdoctoral Associate Michigan State University ryan.winkler@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: Andreas Heinz Dissertation Title: Spectroscopy of actinium-215 and (p,t) studies of the stable palladium isotopes |
Christopher Wrede Associate Professor Michigan State University wrede@nscl.msu.edu |
Degree Date: May 2008 Advisor: Peter Parker Dissertation Title: Nuclear Energy Levels of 31S and Astrophysical Implications |
Shilo Xia Chamberlain Fellow Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory qingxia@lbl.gov |
Degree Date: May 2020 Advisor: David C. Moore Dissertation Title: Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Detector Physics Measurements with the Final EXO-200 Dataset |
Xu Xiao xu.xiao@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2023 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: A Diagrammatic Method to Compute the Effective Hamiltonian of Driven Nonlinear Oscillators |
Steve Sukeyasu Yamamoto Retired sukeyasu.yamamoto@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1959 Advisor: Frederick E. Steigert Dissertation Title: Study of the Isobaric Multiplets at Masses 30,37 |
Hao Yan yanhao3@hotmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: Simon Mochrie Dissertation Title: Positional Fluctuations in Synthetic and Living Polymer Systems |
Cheng Yang Associate Mckinsey & Company cheng.yang@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Progress Toward Observing Quantum Effects in an Optomechanical System in Cryogenics |
Taekwan Yoon taekwan.yoon@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2023 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Piezo-Brillouin electro-optomechanics with high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators |
Zhaoou Yu Financial Engineer Bloomberg LP zhaoou.yu@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2003 Advisor: Michael Schmidt Dissertation Title: Bottom Quark-Antiquark Production and Mixing in Photon-Antiphoton Collisions |
Luna Zagorac Postdoctoral Fellow Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics luna.zagorac@yale.edu Research Website she/they |
Degree Date: May 2022 Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan & Richard Easther (University of Auckland) Dissertation Title: A Light in the Dark: UltraLight Dark matter Phenomenology in Simulation |
Mengzhen Zhang Postdoctoral Associate University of Chicago mengzhen.zhang@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2020 Advisor: A. Douglas Stone Dissertation Title: Properties and Applications of Gaussian Processes |
Sisi Zhou IQIM Postdoctoral Scholar California Institute of Technology sisi.zhou26@gmail.com |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: Liang Jiang Dissertation Title: Error-corrected quantum metrology |
Yuqi Zhu yuqi.zhu@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2021 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Experiments with 87Rb: Towards Co-trapping 88Sr19F and 87Rb |
Fangzhou Zhu Quantitative Researcher Citadel LLC fangzhou.zhu@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2018 Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan Dissertation Title: Information Mining in the Large Scale Structure of the universe |
George Zimmerman Professor Emeritus Boston University george.zimmerman@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1963 Advisor: Henry Fairbank Dissertation Title: Specific Heat of He3 |
Benjamin Zwickl Associate Professor of Physics Rochester Institute of Technology benjamin.zwickl@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2012 Advisor: Jack Harris Dissertation Title: Progress Toward Observation of Radiation Pressure Shot Noise |