

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Betty Abelev's picture Betty Abelev
Process Improvement Data Analysis Lead
Degree Date: May 2007

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Multi-strange baryon correlations at RHIC

Corey Adams's picture Corey Adams
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: First Detection of Low Energy Electron Neutrinos in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers

Peter Adshead's picture Peter Adshead
Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: Richard Easther

Dissertation Title: Cosmological Perturbation Theory and the Early Universe

Masuma Ahmed's picture Masuma Ahmed
Strategic Consultant
Degree Date: May 1981

Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk

Dissertation Title: Polarization effects in the small-angle scattering of fast neutrons by bismuth

Salvatore Aiola's picture Salvatore Aiola
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (National Institute for Nuclear Research).
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Jet and heavy-flavor measurements in pp and Pb–Pb collisions with ALICE

Soner Albayrak's picture Soner Albayrak
Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: David Poland

Dissertation Title: Analytic Studies of Fermions in Conformal Bootstrap

Victor Albert's picture Victor Albert
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Liang Jiang

Dissertation Title: Lindbladians with multiple steady states: theory and applications

Stephen Albright's picture Stephen Albright
Program Manager
New York Academy of Sciences
Phone: 203-432-1730
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Charles Ahn

Dissertation Title: Ultra-thin Film Growth of Chalcogenides to Realize Novel Electronic Phenomena

Emine Altuntas's picture Emine Altuntas
Postdoctoral Researcher
National Institute of Standards and Technology & Joint Quantum Institute
Degree Date: December 2017

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Measurement of Nuclear Spin Dependent Parity Violation in 138Ba19F

Jeffrey Ammon's picture Jeffrey Ammon
Technical Staff
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Progress towards a measurement of nuclear-spin-dependent parity violation in diatomic molecules

Tonima Tasnim Ananna's picture Tonima Tasnim Ananna
Postdoctoral Associate
Dartmouth College
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Meg Urry


Adam W. Anderson's picture Adam W. Anderson
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Vanderbilt University
Degree Date: May 1990

Advisor: Eward Hinds

Dissertation Title: Observation of van der Waals and optical dipole forces on atoms in a microcavity

Colin Anderson's picture Colin Anderson
Research Staff Member
Institute for Defense Analyses
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Measurement of muon neutrino and antineutrino induced single neutral pion production cross sections

Peter Andrews's picture Peter Andrews
Senior Computer Scientist
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Degree Date: December 2003

Advisor: Charles Baltay

Dissertation Title: Quasar counts from variability and color selected samples

Tomas Aronsson's picture Tomas Aronsson
Data scientist
Zurich Global Corporation
Degree Date: May 2015

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Cross section of bottom electrons in proton-proton collisions in the ALICE experiment

Benjamin Auerbach's picture Benjamin Auerbach
Director of Product Experience
Allstate Insurance Company
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Paul Tipton

Dissertation Title: Study of Proton-Antiproton Collisions That Contain Leptons, a Photon and a b-quark Using The CDF II Detector

Han Aung's picture Han Aung
Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Daisuke Nagai

Dissertation Title: Cosmology and Astrophysics with Dark Matter and Gaseous Halos

Camille Avestruz's picture Camille Avestruz
KICP Fellow
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Daisuke Nagai

Dissertation Title: Modeling Galaxy Cluster Outskirts with Cosmological Simulations

Steve Axelrod's picture Steve Axelrod
CEO and President
G-Tech Medical, Inc.
Degree Date: May 1986

Advisor: Michael Zeller

Dissertation Title: A Measurement of Sigma-Plus formation at 180 Degrees by Negative Kaons near 700 Mev/C

Kelly Backes's picture Kelly Backes
Quantum Sensor and Security Specialist
MITRE Corporation
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux

Dissertation Title: A quantum-enhanced search for dark matter axions

Joseph Hongchul Bae's picture Joseph Hongchul Bae
Senior Data Scientist
Degree Date: May 2015

Advisor: Vincent Moncrief

Dissertation Title: Wormhole Solutions to the Bianchi IX Wheeler-DeWitt Equation using the Euclidean-signature Semi-classical Method

Yang Bai's picture Yang Bai
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2007

Advisor: Thomas Appelquist

Dissertation Title: Explorations of SU(3) family gauge symmetry

Stephen Baker's picture Stephen Baker
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Rice University
Degree Date: May 1963

Advisor: J. A. McIntyre

Dissertation Title: Elastic Scattering of Light Nuclei by Heavy Nuclei

Supraja Balasubramanian's picture Supraja Balasubramanian
Postdoctoral Associate
Fermi National laboratory
Phone: 203-436-2181
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: A Differential Cross-Section Measurement of Muon Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Neutral Pion Production in MicroBooNE

Charles Baltay's picture Charles Baltay
Eugene Higgins Professor Emeritus of Physics
WL 213
Phone: +1 (203) 432-3386
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1963

Advisor: Horace Dwight Taft

Dissertation Title: A study of antiperon production in antiperon-proton reactions

Estella Barbosa de Souza's picture Estella Barbosa de Souza
Boston Consulting Group
Phone: 203-436-9273
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Reina Maruyama

Dissertation Title: A Model-Independent Search for Dark Matter-Induced Annual Modulation Signal with the COSINE-100 Experiment

John Barry's picture John Barry
Technical Staff - Lincoln Laboratory
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Laser cooling and slowing of a diatomic molecule

Anne Bauer's picture Anne Bauer
Lead Data Scientist
The New York Times
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: Charles Baltay

Dissertation Title: AGN variability and candidate blazars in the Palomar -QUEST survey

Stephen Baumgart's picture Stephen Baumgart
Systems Engineer Physicist
Varian Medical Systems
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Helen Caines

Dissertation Title: A Study of Open Charm Production in 200 GeV Heavy Ion Collisons

Caitie Beattie's picture Caitie Beattie
Medical Student
The University of Vermont, Larner College of Medicine
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Pathlength-dependent jet quenching in the quark--gluon plasma at ALICE

Sourpouhi Bedikian's picture Sourpouhi Bedikian
Princeton Consultants; Inc.
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Sarah Demers

Dissertation Title: A Search for the Charged Higgs: Using Tau Polarimetry with Proton-Proton Collisions at the ATLAS Detector

Maria Belota Moreno's picture Maria Belota Moreno
Graduate School Student, Class of 2021
Frank Benedict's picture Frank Benedict
Retired from Bell Laboratories
Degree Date: May 1956


Douglas Bergman's picture Douglas Bergman
Associate Professor
University of Utah
Research Website
Degree Date: December 1997

Advisor: Michael Zeller

Dissertation Title: A search for the decay of a charged kaon into a pion, a muon and an electron

Daniel Berkowitz's picture Daniel Berkowitz
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: George Fleming/Vincent Moncrief

Dissertation Title: The Development of Mathematical Methods for Tackling Problems in Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, and Gravity

Sanah Bhimani's picture Sanah Bhimani
WLC 258
Phone: 203-436-3548
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Laura Newburgh

Dissertation Title: From Site to First Light: OCS Deployment and Defining Detector Quality Metrics for the Simons Observatory SAT-MF1

Sarah Bickman's picture Sarah Bickman
Product Manager Lead
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Degree Date: December 2007

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Progress towards a Measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron using PbO*

Robert J. Birgeneau's picture Robert J. Birgeneau
Professor of Physics, MSE and Public Policy
University of California, Berkeley
Degree Date: May 1967

Advisor: Werner P. Wolf

Dissertation Title: Magnetic Interactions in Rare Earth Insulators

Lev Bishop's picture Lev Bishop
Research Staff Member
IBM Research
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: Steven Girvin

Dissertation Title: Circuit quantum electrodynamics

Robert Blum's picture Robert Blum
Postdoctoral Associate (Barrett)
SPL 14
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Sean Barrett

Dissertation Title: Applying novel NMR techniques to many-body spin systems, and novel reconstruction techniques to NMR data

Jacob Blumoff's picture Jacob Blumoff
Research Scientist
HRL Laboratories
Degree Date: December 2017

Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Multiqubit experiments in 3D circuit quantum electrodynamics

Virgil Dixon Bogert's picture Virgil Dixon Bogert
Scientist Emeritus
Degree Date: May 1969

Advisor: Horace D. Taft

Dissertation Title: The Measurement of the Decay Asymmetry of the Leptons with Respect to Sigma Polarization in the Reaction Negative Sigma-Hyperon Going to (Neutron,Lepton,Neutrino) Where Lepton Is Either Electron Or Negative-Muon

Rostislav Boltyanskiy's picture Rostislav Boltyanskiy
Senior Scientist
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Eric Dufresne

Dissertation Title: Mechanical Response of Single Cells to Stretch

James Bond's picture James Bond
Radiological Physicist, Radiation Oncology Department
Yale-New Haven Hospital
Degree Date: December 1975

Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk

Dissertation Title: The Neutron-Alpha Particle Interaction - A Study of Polarization Effects up to 6 MeV

Marco Bonett-Matiz's picture Marco Bonett-Matiz
Assistant Professor
University of Bridgeport
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Statistical and Spectroscopic Properties of Nuclei in the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method

Hannah Bossi's picture Hannah Bossi
Postdoctoral Researcher
Massachusetts Institute of Technology @ Brookhaven National Lab
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Novel Uses of Machine Learning for Differential Jet Quenching Measurements at the LHC

Elizabeth Boulton's picture Elizabeth Boulton
Project Manager - Evaluations
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: Daniel McKinsey

Dissertation Title: Applications of Two-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chambers: Searching for Dark Matter and Special Nuclear Materials

Barry Bradlyn's picture Barry Bradlyn
Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Phone: 203-436-4822
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Nicholas Read

Dissertation Title: Linear response and Berry curvature in two-dimensional topological phases

Deseree Meyer Brittingham's picture Deseree Meyer Brittingham
Instructor in Physics and Astronomy
Agnes Scott College
Degree Date: May 2006

Advisor: Richard Casten

Dissertation Title: Nuclear structure studies in the rare earth and trans-lead regions

Charles Brown's picture Charles Brown
Assistant Professor of Physics
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Optical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Superfluid Liquid Helium Drops Magnetically-Levitated in Vacuum

Benjamin Brubaker's picture Benjamin Brubaker
NIST NRC Postdoc
JILA (University of Colorado/NIST Boulder)
Degree Date: December 2017

Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux

Dissertation Title: First Results from the HAYSTAC axion search

Colin Bruzewicz's picture Colin Bruzewicz
Technical Staff - Lincoln Laboratory
Degree Date: May 2014

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Continuous Optical Production of Ultracold Vibronic Ground State Polar Molecules

Samuel Bryant's picture Samuel Bryant
Degree Date: December 2022

Advisor: Benjamin Machta

Dissertation Title: Energy Dissipation Bounds in Fundamental Biological Processes

Chiranjeeb Buragohain's picture Chiranjeeb Buragohain
Degree Date: December 2001

Advisor: Subir Sachdev

Dissertation Title: Dynamical properties of quantum antiferromagnets in one and two dimensions

Luke Burkhart's picture Luke Burkhart
Postgraduate Associate
Yale University
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Error-Detected Networking for 3D Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

Joshua Burt's picture Joshua Burt
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: John Murray

Dissertation Title: Large-Scale Organization of Microcircuit Specialization in Human Cortex

Brian Bush's picture Brian Bush
Principal Scientist
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Research Website
Degree Date: December 1990

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Shape Fluctuations in Hot Rotating Nuclei

Diego Caballero Orduna's picture Diego Caballero Orduna
VP - Counterparty Credit Risk Quant
Credit Suisse
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Computational Studies of Protein Structure

Mark Caprio's picture Mark Caprio
Associate Professor, Associate Chair & Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Physics
University of Notre Dame
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2003

Advisor: Richard Casten

Dissertation Title: Structure of Collective Modes in Transitional and Deformed Nuclei

Faustin Carter's picture Faustin Carter
HRL Laboratories
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Daniel Prober

Dissertation Title: A transition-edge-sensor-based instrument for the measurement of individual He2* excimers in a superfluid 4He bath at 100 mK

Robert J. Casperson's picture Robert J. Casperson
Staff Scientist
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: Volker Werner

Dissertation Title: Experimental and numerical analysis of mixed -symmetry states and large boson systems

Emma Castiglia's picture Emma Castiglia
Research Data Scientist
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: Sarah Demers

Dissertation Title: Machine Learning for Tau Leptons and the Search for the Associated Production of a Higgs Boson with a Vector Boson, with the Higgs Boson Decaying to a Tau Pair at ATLAS

Oana Catu's picture Oana Catu
Software Engineer
Degree Date: December 2008

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Studying parton energy loss in hot nuclear matter using dihadron correlations

Alexander Cerjan's picture Alexander Cerjan
Penn State University
Degree Date: May 2015

Advisor: A. Douglas Stone

Dissertation Title: Fundamental physics and device design using the steady-state ab initio laser theory

Jack Challis's picture Jack Challis
SVP, US Operations
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Steven Girvin

Dissertation Title: Theory of p-Orbital Bosons

Hanghui Chen's picture Hanghui Chen
Assistant Professor of Physics; Global Network Assistant Professor
NYU Shanghai and New York University
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2012

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: A first principles study of oxide interfaces

Jia Chen's picture Jia Chen
Offering Leader, Blockchain for Healthcare & Life Sciences
Degree Date: December 2000

Advisor: Mark Reed

Dissertation Title: Molecular Wires, Switches and Memories

Xinyi Chen's picture Xinyi Chen
Postdoctoral Fellow
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan

Dissertation Title: Reconstruction of the initial conditions: improvements and applications to constraining dark energy and primordial non-Gaussianity

Hongzhi Cheng's picture Hongzhi Cheng
Postdoctoral Fellow
Princeton University
Degree Date: May 2007

Advisor: John Tully

Dissertation Title: Nonadiabatic dynamics at metal surfaces

Lucas Cheng's picture Lucas Cheng
Quantitative Strategist
Virtu Financial
Phone: 203-436-3548
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Computational Studies of Deformable Particles Flowing Through Constrictions

Hay Yeung Cheung's picture Hay Yeung Cheung
Patent Attorney
Myers Wolin, LLC
Degree Date: May 1991

Advisor: Feza Gursey

Dissertation Title: Hadronic symmetries of skyrmions

Jerry M Chow's picture Jerry M Chow
Senior Manager - Quantum System Technology
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Quantum information processing with superconducting qubits

Lucien Cohler's picture Lucien Cohler
Managing Director, Retired
JP Morgan Chase (1987-2015), Bank of America (2015-2017)
Degree Date: December 1985

Advisor: Thomas Appelquist

Dissertation Title: Aspects of Dynamical Symmetry Breaking (Effective, Schwinger-Dyson, Potential)

Nathan Cooper's picture Nathan Cooper
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Volker Werner

Dissertation Title: Structure of A = 76 Nuclei and Fast-Timing Studies of the Rare-Earth Region

London Cooper-Troendle's picture London Cooper-Troendle
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Pittsburgh
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: First Measurement of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Triple Differential Cross Section on Argon

Jane Cummings's picture Jane Cummings
Chief Technology Officer
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Sarah Demers

Dissertation Title: Tau Polarization at a Hadron Collider: W to tau,nu and Z to tau,tau decays at ATLAS

Mark Cunningham's picture Mark Cunningham
Degree Date: May 1982

Advisor: Francesco Iachello

Dissertation Title: Multilevel calculations in odd-mass nuclei

Jacob Curtis's picture Jacob Curtis
Quantum Engineer
Quantum Circuits Inc.
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Error Mitigation and Detection in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Powered by QND Measurements

Thomas Curtis's picture Thomas Curtis
Formerly Bell Labs and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
Degree Date: May 1968

Advisor: Charles Bockleman

Dissertation Title: Quadrupole and Octupole Excitations of the Even Tin Isotopes by Electron Scattering

Jeremy Cushman's picture Jeremy Cushman
Software Engineer
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Karsten Heeger

Dissertation Title: A search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in tellurium-130 with CUORE

Kimmy Cushman's picture Kimmy Cushman
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: George Fleming

Dissertation Title: Stealth Dark Matter with Lattice Field Theory

Anson D'Aloisio's picture Anson D'Aloisio
Assistant Professor in Physics & Astronomy
University of California, Riverside
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: Priya Natarajan

Dissertation Title: Cosmological Structures and Gravitational Lensing

Shany Danieli's picture Shany Danieli
NASA Hubble and Carnegie-Princeton Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute for Advanced Study
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Pieter van Dokkum

Dissertation Title: Clues to the Nature of Dark Matter from Low-Mass Galaxies Outside the Local Group

Christopher Davis's picture Christopher Davis
Senior Data Scientist
Phone: 203-436-9287
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Reina Maruyama

Dissertation Title: Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with Majoron Emission in CUORE

Abhay Deshpande's picture Abhay Deshpande
Stony Brook University
Degree Date: May 1994

Advisor: Michael Zeller

Dissertation Title: Study of the decay of positively charged kaon into a positively charged pion, a positron and an electron. and a measurement of the decay of neutral pion into a positron and an electron

Michael Dine's picture Michael Dine
University of California, Santa Cruz
Degree Date: December 1978

Advisor: Thomas Appelquist

Dissertation Title: Interactions of Heavy Quarks in Quantum Chromodynamics

Mehmet Dogan's picture Mehmet Dogan
Postdoctoral researcher
University of California, Berkeley
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: Ab initio studies of ferroelectric thin films

Mauro Melchiades Doria's picture Mauro Melchiades Doria
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL
Degree Date: May 1983

Advisor: Feza Gursey/R. Shankar

Dissertation Title: Factorizable S-Matrices and Lattice Models in Two Dimensions

Arpit Dua's picture Arpit Dua
UQM-IQIM Postdoctoral scholar
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Meng Cheng & Liang Jiang

Dissertation Title: Structure of fracton stabilizer models

Loyal Durand's picture Loyal Durand
Professor Emeritus of Physics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1957

Advisor: Gregory Breit

Dissertation Title: Vacuum polarization effects in proton-proton scattering

Prasenjit Dutt's picture Prasenjit Dutt
IMC Trading
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: R. Shankar

Dissertation Title: Strongly correlated quantum transport out-of-equilibrium

Steven Eckel's picture Steven Eckel
Research Scientist
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2012

Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux

Dissertation Title: A Search for the Electron EDM using Europium-Barium Titanates

Eustace Edwards's picture Eustace Edwards
Senior Systems Engineer
Raytheon Technologies
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Cold Thallium Fluoride Beam: Buffer Gas Cooling, Beam Production, and $B^3\Pi$ Excited State Hyperfine Spectra

Raymond Ehlers's picture Raymond Ehlers
Postdoctoral Scholar
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab/UC Berkeley
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Helen Caines

Dissertation Title: Jet-Hadron Correlations Measured in Pb--Pb Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}} = 5.02$ TeV with ALICE

Stefan Elrington's picture Stefan Elrington
Partnerships Lead - IBM Quantum
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Sean Barrett

Dissertation Title: Developing new approaches to faster, high-spatial resolution Phosphorus-31 MR imaging of Bone

Stephen Eltinge's picture Stephen Eltinge
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale University, Department of Applied Physics
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: Ab Initio Insights Into Substrate Effects, Structural Identification, and Excitonic States in 2D Materials

John Ennis's picture John Ennis
Physics Teacher
Secaucus High School
Degree Date: December 1984

Advisor: D. Allan Bromley

Dissertation Title: Dipole Collectivity in Ra 218

Patrick Ennis's picture Patrick Ennis
Venture Partner
Madrona Venture Group
Research Website
Degree Date: November 1992

Advisor: C.J. "Kim" Lister

Dissertation Title: The Structure of the Exotic N=Z Nucleus 64Ge

Rajeev Erramilli's picture Rajeev Erramilli
Postdoctoral Fellow
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: David Poland

Dissertation Title: Bootstrapping Fermionic Conformal Field Theories

Jiji Fan's picture Jiji Fan
Assistant Professor
Brown University
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Witold Skiba

Dissertation Title: Symmetries in particle physics beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry, conformal symmetry and accidental Lorentz symmetry

Lei Fang's picture Lei Fang
JPMorgan Chase
Degree Date: December 2005

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Shell Model Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclei at Finite Temperature

Paul Fanto's picture Paul Fanto
Research Staff Member
Institute for Defense Analyses -- System Evaluation Division
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Statistical properties of nuclei: beyond the mean-field approximation

Gustavo Fernandes's picture Gustavo Fernandes
Circadian Positioning Systems
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: Richard Chang

Dissertation Title: Elastic light scattering from aerosol particles and direct coupling of micro-resonators

William Fickinger's picture William Fickinger
Professor Emeritus
Case Western Reserve University
Degree Date: May 1961

Dissertation Title: Elastic Scattering and Single Pion Production in Proton-Proton Interactions at 2.0 BeV

Hal Finkel's picture Hal Finkel
Assistant Computational Scientist
Argonne National Laboratory
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: Richard Easther

Dissertation Title: Relics of Preheating After Inflation

Alexander Firestone's picture Alexander Firestone
Professor of Physics Emeritus
Iowa State University
Degree Date: December 1966

Advisor: Jack Sandweiss

Dissertation Title: Hydrogen Bubble Chamber Study of Mesons K Sub L Decays and K Sub L Regeneration

Gary D. Fletcher's picture Gary D. Fletcher
Founder & Principal Consultant
RnDDx Solutions LLC
Degree Date: May 1983

Advisor: Michael S. Lubell/Vernon Hughes

Dissertation Title: Measurements of Spin Dependence in Low Energy Collisions of Electrons and Hydrogen Atoms

Samuel Flores's picture Samuel Flores
Dean of Students (Studierektor)
Stockholm University
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: Mark Gerstein

Dissertation Title: Flexibility and domain dynamics of proteins

Aimé Fournier's picture Aimé Fournier
Research Scientist
Degree Date: May 1998

Advisor: Barry Saltzman

Dissertation Title: Wavelet Analysis of Atmospheric Blocking Dynamics and Energetics

Benjamin Foust's picture Benjamin Foust
Postdoctoral Researcher
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Degree Date: December 2022

Advisor: Karsten Heeger

Dissertation Title: Precise Measurement of the U-235 Antineutrino Energy Spectrum

Merideth Frey's picture Merideth Frey
Professor of Physics
Sarah Lawrence College
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Sean Barrett

Dissertation Title: Using Novel Pulse Sequences for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Phosphorus-31 in Hard and Soft Solids

Jeremy Gaison's picture Jeremy Gaison
Linus Pauling Postdoctoral Fellow
National Laboratory
Phone: 203-436-9273
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Karsten Heeger

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum of U-235 by PROSPECT and Daya Bay

Suhas Ganjam's picture Suhas Ganjam
Research Scientist
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Improving the Coherence of Superconducting Quantum Circuits through Loss Characterization and Design Optimization

Yvonne Gao's picture Yvonne Gao
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Multi-cavity Operations in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

Kevin Garrity's picture Kevin Garrity
Research Physicist
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: Ab Initio Studies of Surfaces and Interfaces

Andrew Gasbarro's picture Andrew Gasbarro
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: December 2018

Advisor: George Fleming

Dissertation Title: Studies of Conformal Behavior in Strongly Interacting Quantum Field Theories

Li Ge's picture Li Ge
College of Staten Island, City University of New York
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: A. Douglas Stone

Dissertation Title: Steady-state ab initio laser theory and its applications in random and complex media

Kurtis Geerlings's picture Kurtis Geerlings
Director of Research
Gentex Corporation
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Improving Coherence of Superconducting Qubits and Resonators

Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu's picture Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: New Methods and Phenomena in The Study of Correlated Complex Oxides

Howard Georgi's picture Howard Georgi
Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics
Harvard University
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1971

Advisor: Charles Sommerfield

Dissertation Title: Scale and Conformal Invariance in Field Theory

Christopher Gilbreth's picture Christopher Gilbreth
Lead Physicist
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Ultracold Fermi Gases: Effective Interactions and Superfluidity

Nathan Gilfoy's picture Nathan Gilfoy
Senior Applications Engineer
Zygo Corporation
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Experiments with Trapped Rubidiu Cesium Molecules

Jonathan Gilligan's picture Jonathan Gilligan
Associate Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences and Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Vanderbilt University
Degree Date: May 1991

Advisor: Edward Eyler

Dissertation Title: Precise multiphoton spectroscopy of the hydrogen, hydrogen deuteride, and deuterium molecules and a new determination of the ionization potential of hydrogen deuteride

James Gilmore's picture James Gilmore
ACA affiliate member
Australian Centre for Astrobiology, UNSW Syndney
Degree Date: December 2010

Advisor: Walter Goldberger

Dissertation Title: Binary Dynamics, Black Holes, and Inflationary Perturbations: Applications in General Relativity and Field Theory

John Gipson's picture John Gipson
NVI, Inc
Degree Date: May 1982

Advisor: Hsiung Chia Tze

Dissertation Title: The Quantum Projection Method and Completely integrable Systems

David Glenn's picture David Glenn
Research Scientist
Harvard University
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Development of Techniques for Cooling and Trapping Polar Diatomic Molecules

Elena Gramellini's picture Elena Gramellini
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: December 2018

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the negative pion and positive kaon total hadronic cross sections on argon at the LArIAT experiment

Daniel Green's picture Daniel Green
Graduate School Student, Class of 2018
WC Integ Sci & Tech Ctr , rm. 339
Sheridan Green's picture Sheridan Green
Quantitative Strategist
Susquehanna International Group
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Frank van den Bosch

Dissertation Title: The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure and the significance of halo-to-halo assembly history variance

Ilya Gruzberg's picture Ilya Gruzberg
Ohio State University
Degree Date: December 1998

Advisor: Nicholas Read

Dissertation Title: Supersymmetry method in the study of disordered systems

Daniel Guest's picture Daniel Guest
University of California Irvine
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Paul Tipton

Dissertation Title: A Search for Scalar Charm Quarks with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

Erhan Gülmez's picture Erhan Gülmez
Professor of Physics
Bogazici University
Degree Date: May 1986

Advisor: J.A. Cizewski

Dissertation Title: High Angular Momentum Structure in A-140 Nuclei: ¹⁴⁰Nd, ¹⁴¹Pm

Ariana Hackenburg's picture Ariana Hackenburg
Senior Quantitative Researcher
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Measurement of a Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Single Neutral Pion Cross Section at MicroBooNE

Richard Hadsell's picture Richard Hadsell
Degree Date: May 1975

Advisor: D. Allan Bromley

Dissertation Title: Search for High Spin States in Light Rigid Nuclei

Lee Hagaman's picture Lee Hagaman
Graduate School Student, Class of 2019
WL 230
Advisor: Bonnie Fleming
Paul Hamilton's picture Paul Hamilton
Assistant Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2010

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Preliminary results in the search for the electron electric dipole moment in PbO*

Ke Han's picture Ke Han
Associate Professor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Jack Sandweiss

Dissertation Title: Search for Stable Strange Quark Matter in Lunar Soil

Zhenyu Han's picture Zhenyu Han
Research Associate
University of Oregon
Degree Date: December 2006

Advisor: Witold Skiba

Dissertation Title: Topics in particle physics beyond the standard model

Connor Hann's picture Connor Hann
Research Scientist
Amazon Web Services Center for Quantum Computing
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Steven Girvin

Dissertation Title: Practicality of Quantum Random Access Memory

Russell Hart's picture Russell Hart
Principal Hardware Development EngineerPrincipal
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Direct measurement of the difference of quantum mechanical scattering phase shifts

Avi Hauser's picture Avi Hauser
Hauser Consulting LLC
Degree Date: December 1985

Advisor: Thomas Appelquist

Dissertation Title: All Masses, Great and Small, in the Electroweak Theory

Max Hays's picture Max Hays
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Realization of an Andreev spin qubit: Exploring the sub-gap structure of Josephson nanowires using circuit QED

Mark Heald
Professor Emeritus
Swathmore College
Degree Date: May 1954

Advisor: Robert Beringer


Adam Hecht's picture Adam Hecht
Professor of Nuclear Engineering
University of New Mexico
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2004

Advisor: Cornelius Beausang

Dissertation Title: Nuclear Chiral Symmetry in the Mass A ~ 130 Region

Glen Hickey's picture Glen Hickey
Director Investment
Stamford Australia
Degree Date: May 1974

Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk

Dissertation Title: The Polarization of Neutrons in n-16O Scattering

Bernard Hicks's picture Bernard Hicks
Degree Date: May 2014

Advisor: Helen Caines

Dissertation Title: Differential Production Cross-Section of Heavy-Flavor Electrons in √s = 2.76 TeV pp collisions at the LHC with the ALICE detector

Judith Hoeller's picture Judith Hoeller
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Nicholas Read

Dissertation Title: Topological quantization of Berry phases in quantum and classical systems

Eric Holland's picture Eric Holland
Staff Scientist
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Phone: 203-432-4286
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Cavity State Reservoir Engineering in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

Roy Holt's picture Roy Holt
Retired, visiting scientist
Degree Date: December 1972

Advisor: F. W. K. Firk

Dissertation Title: The Absolute Polarization of Neutrons from n-12C Scattering

Frederic Addison Hopf's picture Frederic Addison Hopf
Degree Date: May 1968

Advisor: Marlan Scully

Dissertation Title: Theory of an Inhomogeneously Broadened Laser Amplifier

Stephen Horvat's picture Stephen Horvat
Degree Date: December 2017

Advisor: Helen Caines

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the collision energy dependence of jet-quenching signatures of de-confinement at STAR

Pai-hsien Hsu's picture Pai-hsien Hsu
Associate Professor
National Tsing Hua University
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Keith Baker

Dissertation Title: First measurement of Z bosons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and its implications for new physics beyond the Standard Model

Viqar Husain's picture Viqar Husain
University of New Brunswick
Degree Date: May 1989

Advisor: Lee Smolin

Dissertation Title: Investigations on the canonical quantization of gravity

Derrick Hylton's picture Derrick Hylton
Associate Professor of Physics
Spelman College
Degree Date: May 1988

Advisor: Peter Mohr

Dissertation Title: The nuclear size correction to the Lamb shift in hydrogen

Emma Ideal's picture Emma Ideal
Research Scientist, Core Data Science
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Sarah Demers

Dissertation Title: A Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Vector Boson and Decaying to a Hadronically-Decaying Tau Pair at ATLAS

James Ingoldby's picture James Ingoldby
Postdoctoral Researcher
ICTP in Trieste Italy
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Thomas Appelquist

Dissertation Title: EFTs for Nearly Conformal Gauge Theories

Ako Jamil's picture Ako Jamil
Associate Research Scholar (Dicke Fellow)
Princeton University
Degree Date: December 2022

Advisor: David C. Moore

Dissertation Title: Rare Event Searches in Liquid Xenon with EXO-200 and nEXO

Viraaj Jayaram's picture Viraaj Jayaram
Machine Learning Engineer
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Thierry Emonet

Dissertation Title: Normative and Empirical Investigation of the Role of Odor Timing in Drosophila Olfactory Navigation

Andrew Jayich's picture Andrew Jayich
Postdoctoral Associate
University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2012

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Laser cooling a 261 kHz harmonic oscillator

Scott Jensen's picture Scott Jensen
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Lattice Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of the Unitary Fermi Gas

Jonathan Jerke's picture Jonathan Jerke
Entrepreneurial Lead
Quantum Galaxies Corporation
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: Charles Baltay

Dissertation Title: Study of quasar variability

Dandan Ji's picture Dandan Ji
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: Eric Brown

Dissertation Title: Modeling of the dynamics large-scale coherent structures in the system of Rayleigh-Benard Convection

Yong Jiang's picture Yong Jiang
Phone: +1 (203) 432-1542
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Progress Towards Searching for Electron Electric Dipole Moment Using PbO

Yunpeng Ji's picture Yunpeng Ji
Postdoctoral Associate
Stanford University
Degree Date: December 2023

Advisor: Nir Navon

Dissertation Title: Many-Body Physics in a Ultracold Uniform Fermi Gas

Luyao Jiang's picture Luyao Jiang
Software Engineer
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Nonreciprocal dynamics in a cryogenic optomechanical system

Blake Johnson's picture Blake Johnson
Distinguished Research Scientist
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Controlling Photons in Superconducting Electrical Circuits

Varun Jorapur's picture Varun Jorapur
Postdoctoral Appointee
Argonne National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux & David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Towards a Bose-Einstein Condensate of SrF molecules

Arvin Kakekhani's picture Arvin Kakekhani
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Pennsylvania
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: Ferroelectrics to Tackle Fundamental Challenges in Catalysis

Nicholas Kaloskamis's picture Nicholas Kaloskamis
Research Website
Degree Date: December 1994

Advisor: C. J. (Kim) Lister

Dissertation Title: APEX: An Experiment to Study Correlated Positron-Electron Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Archana Kamal's picture Archana Kamal
Assistant Professor
Universty of Massachusetts Lowell
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Nonreciprocity in active Josephson junction circuits

Benjamin Kaplan's picture Benjamin Kaplan
Director, Data Science
Oscar Health
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2012

Advisor: Paul L. Tipton

Dissertation Title: Testing the Standard Model of Particle Physics: A Search for New Phenomena in Multilepton Events with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

Dimitra Karabali's picture Dimitra Karabali
Professor of Physics
Lehman College, CUNY
Degree Date: December 1986

Advisor: Thomas Appelquist

Dissertation Title: Nonperturbative Aspects of (2+1) Dimensional Field Theories

Naim Goksel Karacayli's picture Naim Goksel Karacayli
Postdoctoral Scholar
The Ohio State University
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan

Dissertation Title: Improving the Cosmic Statistics of Neutral Hydrogen

Alexander Karpikov's picture Alexander Karpikov
Fidelity Investments
Degree Date: December 2005

Advisor: Steven Orszag

Dissertation Title: Lattice Boltzmann Studies of Turbulence in Non- Newtonian Fluids

Anna Kashkanova's picture Anna Kashkanova
Postdoctoral fellow
Max Planck institute for the science of light
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Optomechanics with Superfluid Helium

Jakob Kastelic's picture Jakob Kastelic
Instrument Design Engineer / Scientist
Stanford Research Systems
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux & David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Search for Time-Reversal-Symmetry Violation in Thallium Fluoride Using a Cryogenic Buffer-Gas Beam Source

Louis Kastens's picture Louis Kastens
Data Analyst
Planet Ecosystems
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Daniel McKinsey

Dissertation Title: Calibration of Two-Phase Liquid Xenon Detectors for the Direct Detection of Dark Matter

Stanley Kaufman's picture Stanley Kaufman
formerly TSI Inc, Shoreview, MN
Degree Date: May 1968

Advisor: Willis E. Lamb, Jr.

Dissertation Title: A Measurement of the Doublet-2S(1/2) to Doublet-2P(3/2) Energy Separationin Atomic Hydrogen

Steve Kettell's picture Steve Kettell
Senior Scientist
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 1990

Advisor: Vernon Hughes

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the doublet-2S(1/2)-doublet-2P(3/2) fine structure interval in muonium

Zuhair Khandker's picture Zuhair Khandker
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Walter Goldberger

Dissertation Title: Embedding Methods for Conformal Field Theor

Prashanta Kharel's picture Prashanta Kharel
Device Lead and Founding Team Member
Hyperlight Corporation
Phone: 203-432-4228
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Peter Rakich

Dissertation Title: Utilizing Brillouin Interactions for Optical Control of Bulk Acoustic Waves.

Matthew King's picture Matthew King
Graduate School Student, Class of 2022
SPL 76/SPL 58
Steven Klepper's picture Steven Klepper
Technical Director, Science & Technology
Raytheon Company
Degree Date: December 1991

Advisor: Daniel Prober

Dissertation Title: Sensitivity of quantum electron conductance to elastic scatterers and to spin-orbit scattering in gallium arsenide heterostructures

Anders Knospe's picture Anders Knospe
Assistant Professor
Lehigh University
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Yield and suppression of electrons from open heavy-flavor decays in heavy-ion collisions

Kevin Koch's picture Kevin Koch
Associate Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering
Medical College of Wisconsin
Degree Date: May 2007

Advisor: Douglas Rothman & Robin de Graaf

Dissertation Title: In Vivo Static Field Perturbations in Magnetic Resonance

Peter Koo's picture Peter Koo
Assistant Professor
Simons Center for Quantitative Biology at cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Phone: 203-432-4086
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Simon Mochrie

Dissertation Title: Novel optical-based methods and analyses for elucidating cellular mechanics and dynamics

Filip Kos's picture Filip Kos
UC Berkeley
Degree Date: December 2016

Advisor: David Poland

Dissertation Title: Bootstrapping 3D CFTs

V. Alan Kostelecky's picture V. Alan Kostelecky
Distinguished Professor
Indiana University
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1982

Advisor: Samuel MacDowell

Dissertation Title: Geometric Construction of Extended Supergravity

Stefan Krastanov's picture Stefan Krastanov
Postdoctoral Associate
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Liang Jiang

Dissertation Title: New Approaches to Control, Calibration, and Optimization of Quantum Hardware

Lev Krayzman's picture Lev Krayzman
Post-Doctorate Student
Princeton University
Degree Date: December 2022

Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Thin-film Resonators for Superconducting Quantum Circuits

Jeffrey Kruk's picture Jeffrey Kruk
Research Astrophysicist
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Degree Date: December 1983

Advisor: Frank W.K. Firk

Dissertation Title: A Study of the Electric Polarizability of the Neutron by Low Energy Resonant Scattering (Bismuth-209)

Emily Kuhn's picture Emily Kuhn
NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellow
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: Laura Newburgh

Dissertation Title: Calibration Instrumentation for the Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment (HIRAX)

Vlad Kurilovich's picture Vlad Kurilovich
Research Scientist
Google Quantum AI in Santa Barbara
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Leonid Glazman

Dissertation Title: Criticality in Majorana wires

Norman Lam's picture Norman Lam
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: John Murray

Dissertation Title: Inhibitory Regulation of Cognitive Functions in Cortical and Thalamic Circuits: Computational Mechanisms and Experimental Predictions

Nicole Larsen's picture Nicole Larsen
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow
United States Department of Defense
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Daniel McKinsey

Dissertation Title: An Effective Field Theory Analysis of The First LUX Dark Matter Search

Zack Lasner's picture Zack Lasner
Postdoctoral Researcher
Harvard University
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Order-of-magnitude-tighter bound on the electron electric dipole moment

Claudia Lau's picture Claudia Lau
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Charles Ahn

Dissertation Title: Structural characterization of epitaxial oxide heterostructures via X-ray scattering

Michael Lauterbach's picture Michael Lauterbach
Degree Date: December 1977

Advisor: Rober Adair/Henry Kasha

Dissertation Title: Polarization of Prompt Muons

David Morris Lee's picture David Morris Lee
James Gilbert White Distinguished Professor in the Physical Sciences, Emeritus & Nobel Laureate 1996
Cornell University
Degree Date: May 1959

Advisor: Henry Fairbank

Dissertation Title: The Thermal Conductivity and the Density of Liquid Helium-3

Lawrence Lee's picture Lawrence Lee
Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2014

Advisor: Tobias Golling

Dissertation Title: A Search for B-violating Supersymmetry in Multijet Signatures at the ATLAS Experiment

Linwood Lee
Professor Emeritus
Stony Brook University
Degree Date: May 1955

Advisor: Waldo Rall


Sangjae Lee's picture Sangjae Lee
Postdoctoral Assoicate
Seoul National University
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Charles Ahn

Dissertation Title: Physics of the Electronic Structure and Collective Excitations in Transition Metal Compounds

Andrew Leister's picture Andrew Leister
Data Scientist Senior
Freddie Mac
Degree Date: May 2015

Advisor: Sarah Demers

Dissertation Title: A Search for Z' Gauge Bosons Decaying to Tau-Antitau Pairs in Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector

Rachel Lewis's picture Rachel Lewis
Assistant Director
Centre for Operations Excellence, UBC Sauder School of Business
Degree Date: December 2005

Advisor: Peter Parker

Dissertation Title: Resonances of Proton Capture on the Isomer of Al-26 in Si- 27

Dale Li's picture Dale Li
Staff Scientist
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2007

Advisor: Sean Barrett

Dissertation Title: Unexpected spin echoes in dipolar solids: Intrinsic effects of finite Pi pulses on quantum coherence

Daliang Li's picture Daliang Li
Senior AI Research Engineer
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Witold Skiba

Dissertation Title: Covariant Methods for Superconformal Field Theories

Daming Li's picture Daming Li
Applied Scientist
Uber Technologies, Inc.
Degree Date: December 2022

Advisor: John Murray

Dissertation Title: Bistable Neural Dynamics Underlying Cognition and Spontaneous Activity: Computational Modeling and Empirical Analysis

Jingping Li's picture Jingping Li
Postdoctoral Assoicate
Carnegie Mellon University
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Walter Goldberger

Dissertation Title: The Wordline Effective Field Theory of Spinning Gravitational Sources

Kaicheng Li's picture Kaicheng Li
Machine Learning Engineer
Uber Technologies, Inc.
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Low Energy Excess and Anomaly Search with MicroBooNE

Ke Li's picture Ke Li
Goldman Sachs
Degree Date: May 2005

Advisor: Michael Schmidt

Dissertation Title: A time-dependent angular analysis of B0s to J/psi phi and B0d to J/psi Kstar0, and, A measurement of the width difference in the B0s system

Ruoxin Li's picture Ruoxin Li
Senior Director, Advanced Analytics
Degree Date: December 2007

Advisor: Kurt Gibble

Dissertation Title: Phase Variations in microwave carvities for atomic clocks

Efthymios Liarokapis's picture Efthymios Liarokapis
Professor Emeritus
National Technical University of Athens
Research Website
Degree Date: December 1979

Advisor: Jack Greenberg

Dissertation Title: X-rays from selected quasimolecular transitions

Frank Chi-Wen Lin's picture Frank Chi-Wen Lin
Professor Emeritus
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Degree Date: May 1965

Dissertation Title: Phase Shift Analysis of Low Energy Pion-Nucleon Scattering

Guoji Lin's picture Guoji Lin
software developer team lead
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Jack Sandweiss

Dissertation Title: Electro-magnetic physics studies at RHIC: Neutral pion production, direct photon HBT, photon elliptic flow in gold-gold collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV and the Muon Telescope Detector simulation

Steven Linden's picture Steven Linden
Detector Physicist
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the muon neutrino charged current pion production to quasi-elastic cross section ratio on mineral oil in a 0.8 GeV neutrino beam

Hugh Lippincott's picture Hugh Lippincott
Associate Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2010

Advisor: Daniel McKinsey

Dissertation Title: DEAP/CLEAN: Detecting dark matter with liquid argon and liquid neon

Chia-Jung “Charlie” Liu's picture Chia-Jung “Charlie” Liu
VP, Engineering IP Management
Charter Communications
Degree Date: May 1988

Advisor: Vernon Hughes

Dissertation Title: Part I. A new method for optical measurement of proton polarization. Part II. Orientation of H(2P) by beam-tilted-foil interaction

Tong Liu's picture Tong Liu
Quantitative Researcher
Squarepoint Capital
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Helen Caines

Dissertation Title: Inclusive Hadron Yield Analysis in Small and Mid-sized Collision Systems at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV at STAR

Xin Li's picture Xin Li
Postdoctoral Associate
Phone: 203-432-4240
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Mark Reed

Dissertation Title: Nano-confined interfaces: from artificial ion channels to nanofluidic battery

Sarah Lockwitz's picture Sarah Lockwitz
Degree Date: May 2012

Advisor: Paul Tipton

Dissertation Title: A Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in CDF II Data

Anthony Lollo's picture Anthony Lollo
Senior Data Scientist
CVS Health
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Phase slips in isolated mesoscopic superconducting rings

Junjiajia Long's picture Junjiajia Long
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: Thierry Emonet

Dissertation Title: From Individual to Collective Behavior: The Role of Memory and Diversity in Bacterial Navigation

Xinhui Lu's picture Xinhui Lu
Associate Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: Simon Mochrie

Dissertation Title: Dynamic and static structure studies of colloidal suspensions with XPCS, SAXS and XNFS

Tyler Lutz's picture Tyler Lutz
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/postdoc
Universiät Magdeburg
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: John Wettlaufer

Dissertation Title: Frictional, Large-Deformation Poroelastic Flow: Theory and Experiments

Rongrong Ma's picture Rongrong Ma
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 2014

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Jet measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions in ALICE

Manuel Mai's picture Manuel Mai
Machine Learning Engineer
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Outcome Prediction and Reconstruction for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations

Ana Malagon's picture Ana Malagon
Software Developer
Droit Financial Technologies, LLC
Degree Date: December 2014

Advisor: O. Keith Baker

Dissertation Title: Search for 140 microeV Pseudoscalar and Vector Dark Matter Using Microwave Cavities

Vladimir Manucharyan's picture Vladimir Manucharyan
Associate Professor
University of Maryland
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2012

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Superinductance: a New Element for Quantum Circuits

Peiyuan Mao's picture Peiyuan Mao
Senior Quantitative Rsearcher
Akuna Capital LLC
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Meg Urry

Dissertation Title: Blazar Demographics: Intrinsic Properties of Jet-Dominated Active Galactic Nuclei

Louis Marchildon's picture Louis Marchildon
Professor of Physics (Emeritus)
Universite du quebec a Trois-Rivieres
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1978

Advisor: Feza Gursey

Dissertation Title: Applications of some graded Lie groups to the study of nonlinear supersymmetric Lagrangians

Nicholas Masluk's picture Nicholas Masluk
Research Staff Member / Manager
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Purifying the environment of the fluxonium artificial atom

David Mason's picture David Mason
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Dynamical Behavior near Exceptional Points in an Optomechanical System

Harsh Mathur's picture Harsh Mathur
Professor of Physics
Case Western Reserve University
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1994

Advisor: A. Douglas Stone

Dissertation Title: Disorder and Interaction Effects in Mesoscopic Conductors

Catherine Matulis's picture Catherine Matulis
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Damon Clark

Dissertation Title: Contrast adaptation in Drosophila direction-selective circuits

Joseph L. McCauley's picture Joseph L. McCauley
Professor of Physics Emeritus
University of Houston
Degree Date: May 1972

Advisor: Lars Onsager

Dissertation Title: Brownian Motion Theory of Capture and Release of Negative Ions by Quantized Vortex Lines in HE II

Christopher McKitterick's picture Christopher McKitterick
Engagement Manager
McKinsey and Company
Degree Date: May 2015

Advisor: Daniel Prober

Dissertation Title: Prospects for Ultra-sensitive Terahertz Photon Detection with Graphene

David Meltzer's picture David Meltzer
Postdoctoral Fellow
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: David Poland

Dissertation Title: Topics in the Analytic Bootstrap

Jason Merrill's picture Jason Merrill
Software Developer
Desmos, Inc.
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: Eric Dufresne

Dissertation Title: Many-body force and mobility measurements in colloidal systems

Aaron Mertz's picture Aaron Mertz
Director, Science & Society Program
Aspen Institute
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Eric Dufresne

Dissertation Title: Collective Mechanics of Epithelial Cells

Michael Metcalfe's picture Michael Metcalfe
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: A new microwave resonator readout scheme for superconducting qubits

George Mias's picture George Mias
Chief of Systems Biology Division, IQ Center, MSU, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Michigan State University
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2007

Advisor: Steven Girvin

Dissertation Title: Domains of Quantum Magnetism

Neal Moore's picture Neal Moore
Formerly University of Nevada, Reno
Degree Date: May 1962

Advisor: Henry Margenau

Dissertation Title: I. Energy of Interaction of Two Helium Atoms. II. An Examination of the Adequacy of Configuration Interaction Techniques to Account for Correlation in Atomic Problems

James Mulligan's picture James Mulligan
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Inclusive jet measurements in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE

Shantanu Mundhada's picture Shantanu Mundhada
Senior Quantum Engineer
Quantum Circuits, Inc.
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Hardware-efficient autonomous quantum error correction

John Murray's picture John Murray
Gregg L. Engles Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Dartmouth College
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Xiao-Jing Wang

Dissertation Title: Local and Long-range Dynamics in Cognitive Cortical Circuits

Eric Myers's picture Eric Myers
Professional Faculty
State University of New York at New Paltz
Degree Date: December 1984

Advisor: Alan Chodos

Dissertation Title: Calculation of the Gravitational Casimir Energy and Gauge Field Couplings in Non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein

Christine Nattrass's picture Christine Nattrass
Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxvill
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: System size, energy, and particle type dependence of di-hadron correlations in heavy ion collisions

Ethan Neil's picture Ethan Neil
Assistant Professor
University of Colorado, Boulder
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Thomas Appelquist

Dissertation Title: Dependence of Yang-Mills theory on the number of light fermions

Daniel Nemes's picture Daniel Nemes
Degree Date: December 2023

Advisor: Helen Caines

Dissertation Title: Semi-Inclusive Measurement of the Shared Groomed Momentum Fraction of Jets in Au+Au Collisions at STAR

Konstantin Nesterov's picture Konstantin Nesterov
Research Scientist
Bleximo Corp.
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Mesoscopic Effects in Chaotic Metallic Nanoparticles

Kyungjoo Noh's picture Kyungjoo Noh
Quantum Research Scientist
Amazon Web Services
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Liang Jiang

Dissertation Title: Quantum computation and communication in bosonic systems

Danielle Norcini's picture Danielle Norcini
KICP and Grainger Fellow
University of Chicago
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Karsten Heeger

Dissertation Title: A search for eV-scale sterile neutrinos and precision measurement of the U-235 antineutrino spectrum with the PROSPECT experiment

Eric Norrgard's picture Eric Norrgard
Research Scientist
Phone: 203-432-3834
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Magneto-optical trapping of diatomic molecules

Brendon O'Leary's picture Brendon O'Leary
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: In search of the electron's electric dipole moment in thorium monoxide: an improved upper limit, systematic error models, and apparatus upgrades

Saehanseul Oh's picture Saehanseul Oh
Postdoctoral Associate
Brookhaven National Lab
Phone: 203-432-6259
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Correlations in particle production in proton-lead and lead-lead collisions at the LHC

Alice Ohlson's picture Alice Ohlson
Associate Senior Lecturer
Lund University
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Investigating Parton Energy Loss with Jet-hadron Correlations and Jet vn at STAR

Michael Oliver's picture Michael Oliver
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Measurement of Correlations Between Neutral Pions and Charged Hadrons in Heavy Ion Collisions with ALICE

Catherine Olmer's picture Catherine Olmer
Professor Emeritus, Indiana University and Chief Financial Officer
WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology
Degree Date: May 1976

Advisor: Karl A. Erb

Dissertation Title: Heavy-Ion Induced Multinucleon Transfer Reactions in the 2S-1D Shell

Elaine Oran's picture Elaine Oran
Distinguished Research Professor
Texas A&M University
Degree Date: May 1972

Advisor: Michael Thorpe/Peter Levy

Dissertation Title: A Theoretical Study of a Spin Hamiltonian with Biquadratic Pair Interactions

Peter Orth's picture Peter Orth
Associate Professor
Iowa State University
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: Karyn Le Hur

Dissertation Title: Dissipative dynamics and novel quantum phases in strongly correlated cold-atom mixtures

Samantha Pagan's picture Samantha Pagan
Postdoctoral Associate
WLC 254B
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Reina Maruyama

Dissertation Title: Physics on the keV Energy Scale with CUORE: A Search for Solar Axions

Michela Paganini's picture Michela Paganini
Postdoctoral Researcher
Facebook AI Research
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: Paul Tipton

Dissertation Title: Machine Learning in High Energy Physics: Applications to Electromagnic Shower Generation, Flavor Tagging, and the Search for di-Higgs Production

Jingjing Pan's picture Jingjing Pan
Postdoctoral Associate
Brown University
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Keith Baker

Dissertation Title: Exploring the Standard Model and Beyond Through the Lens of Jet Substructure and Deep Learning with the ATLAS Experiment

Anuj Parikh's picture Anuj Parikh
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2006

Advisor: Peter Parker

Dissertation Title: Production of 26Al in Oxygen-Neon-Magnesium Novae

Kinga Partyka's picture Kinga Partyka
SVP, Senior Lead Enterprise Risk Officer, Connsumer Data & Engagement Platforms
Wells Fargo
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Exclusive Muon-Neutrino Charged Current mu+Np topologies in ArgoNeuT

Evan Pease's picture Evan Pease
Data Scientist
Cisco Systems
Degree Date: December 2017

Advisor: Daniel McKinsey

Dissertation Title: Rare-event searches in liquid xenon with the LUX and LUX-ZEPLIN detectors

Ryan Petersburg's picture Ryan Petersburg
Senior Professional Staff 1
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Phone: 203-436-8109
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: Debra Fischer

Dissertation Title: Exoplanet Measurement to the Extreme: Novel Methods of Instrumentation and Data Extraction for Radial-velocity Spectrographs

Andrei Petrenko's picture Andrei Petrenko
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Enhancing the Lifetime of Quantum Information with Cat States in Superconducting Cavities

Tudor Petrescu's picture Tudor Petrescu
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Sherbrooke
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Karyn Le Hur

Dissertation Title: Topological phases with ultracold atoms and photons

Mariel Pettee's picture Mariel Pettee
Chamberlain Fellow
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: Sarah Demers

Dissertation Title: Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Methods for Particle Physics

Matthew Phillips's picture Matthew Phillips
Lead Analytical Scientist
Degree Date: December 2012

Advisor: Gordon M. Shepherd

Dissertation Title: Sensory Processing in the Olfactory Bulb: From Lateral Inhibition to Behavior

William Pontius's picture William Pontius
Senior Software Engineer
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Thierry Emonet

Dissertation Title: The Molecular Origins and Functional Role of Noise in a Simple Sensory Network

Andrew Poon's picture Andrew Poon
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2001

Advisor: Richard Chang

Dissertation Title: Optical resonances of two-dimensional microcavities with circular and non-circular shapes

Meredith Powell's picture Meredith Powell
Porat Fellow
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: Meg Urry

Dissertation Title: The Environments of Accreting Supermassive Black Holes

Stephen Powell's picture Stephen Powell
Associate Professor
University of Nottingham
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2007

Advisor: R. Shankar

Dissertation Title: Quantum phases and transitions of many -body systems realized using cold atomic gases

Siddharth Prabhu's picture Siddharth Prabhu
Postdoctoral fellow
Phone: 203-436-9283
Degree Date: December 2018

Advisor: Walter Goldberger

Dissertation Title: Gluon and Graviton Radiation from the Classical Double Copy

Susan Pratt's picture Susan Pratt
Law School Student
Georgetown University
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Simon Mochrie

Dissertation Title: Development and implementation of a reversibly-interacting TRAP-peptide pair as a live-cell imaging strategy

Jing Qian's picture Jing Qian
Senior Associate Consultant
Mayo Clinic
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Andreas Heinz

Dissertation Title: Commissioning of a new focal plane detection system of SASSYER and spectroscopy of rutherfordium-257

David Rahmlow's picture David Rahmlow
Senior Scientist
Wyatt Technology
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Towards a measurement of parity nonconservation in diatomic molecules

Arthur Ramirez's picture Arthur Ramirez
Professor physics
University of California Santa Cruz
Degree Date: December 1984

Advisor: Verner Wolf

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the Specific Heat of Cesium Nickel Fluoride: a Search for Spin Solitons

Aleksander Rebane's picture Aleksander Rebane
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Yongli Zhang and James E. Rothman

Dissertation Title: Exploring free energy landscapes of SNARE assembly using optical tweezers

Matthew Reed's picture Matthew Reed
Research Staff Physicist
HRL Laboratories
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Entanglement and Quantum Error Correction with Superconducting Qubits

Elizabeth Ricard-McCutchan's picture Elizabeth Ricard-McCutchan
Res Staff 6 Physics
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2006

Advisor: Richard Casten

Dissertation Title: Critical phase/shape transitions in heavy nuclei

Charles Riley's picture Charles Riley
Manager, Finance & Strategy
ConnectGen LLC
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Jack Sandweiss

Dissertation Title: Searching for Local Parity Violation in Heavy Ion Collisions

Mike Ritter's picture Mike Ritter
Tech Lead / Manager
Degree Date: May 1984

Advisor: Vernon Hughes

Dissertation Title: Positronium Spectroscopy: Precise Measurement of he Ground State Hyperfine Interval

Timothy Roach's picture Timothy Roach
Associate Professor of Physics
College of the Holy Cross
Degree Date: May 1996

Advisor: Edward Hinds

Dissertation Title: Interaction of laser-cooled atoms and magnetic surfaces

Marc Rosenthal's picture Marc Rosenthal
Associate Fellowship Director, Emergency Medical Services
Wayne State University
Degree Date: December 1982

Advisor: Peter Parker

Dissertation Title: High Spin States in Lu-163 and Lu-165 and Backbending in Rare Earth Nuclei

Jared Rovny's picture Jared Rovny
Princeton Quantum Institute Postdoctoral Fellow
Princeton University
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Sean Barrett

Dissertation Title: New NMR Applications and Methods: Discrete Time Crystalline Signatures and Accelerated Acquisition using Iterated Maps

Brooke Russell's picture Brooke Russell
Owen Chamberlain Postdoctoral Fellow
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: An Electron Neutrino Appearance Search in MicroBooNE with 5$\times$10$^{19}$ POT

Luis Saldana's picture Luis Saldana
Senior Data Scientist
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Karsten Heeger

Dissertation Title: Novel Signal Reconstruction Techniques in Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy for Neutrino Mass Measurement

Savil Salur's picture Savil Salur
Associate Professor
Rutgers University
Degree Date: May 2006

Advisor: John Harris

Dissertation Title: Investigation of hadronic resonances with STAR

Vahid Sandoghdar's picture Vahid Sandoghdar
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Degree Date: May 1993

Advisor: Edward Hinds

Dissertation Title: Direct measurement of the Lennard-Jonesvan der Waals energy of an atom in a sub-micron cavity

Alex Sandomirsky's picture Alex Sandomirsky
Quantitative Researcher
Midpoint Markets
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Witold Skiba

Dissertation Title: Explicit Conformal Blocks

Lauren Saunders's picture Lauren Saunders
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Degree Date: December 2023

Advisor: Laura Newburgh

Dissertation Title: Telescope Pointing for the Simons Observatory: Data Acquisition & Control Software, Calibration, and Modeling

Veronica Savu's picture Veronica Savu
CEO and co-founder
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2007

Advisor: Daniel Prober

Dissertation Title: The light at the end of the tunnel junction: Improving the energy resolution of UV single -photon spectrometers using diffusion engineering

Giacomo Scanavini's picture Giacomo Scanavini
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: First measurement of neutral current neutral pion production differential cross sections on argon

Flavius Schackert's picture Flavius Schackert
Software Engineer, Machine Learning
Facebook, Inc.
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: A Practical Quantum-Limited Parametric Amplifier Based on the Josephson Ring Modulator

Sebastian Schmidt's picture Sebastian Schmidt
Patent Attorney
Quantum IP
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2008

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Electron interactions in chaotic metallic grains

Grant Schumacher's picture Grant Schumacher
Quantitative Researcher
Susquehanna International Group
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Nir Navon

Dissertation Title: Stability of a Three-Component Fermi Gas

David Schuster's picture David Schuster
Associate Professor of Physics
University of Chicago
Degree Date: May 2007

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

Carl Schreck's picture Carl Schreck
Senior Bioinformatics Scientist
Center for Pediatric Genomic Medicine at Children's Mercy Hospital
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2012

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Mechanical and vibrational properties of model granular media

Philip Scott's picture Philip Scott
Eye Physicians of North Houston
Degree Date: May 1970

Advisor: Werner P. Wolf

Dissertation Title: Magneto-optical effects in some rare earth hydroxides

Daniel Seara's picture Daniel Seara
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Chicago
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: Michael Murrell

Dissertation Title: Energetics of biological mechanics and dynamics

Adam Sears's picture Adam Sears
Data Scientist
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Extending Coherence of Superconducting Qubits: from microseconds to milliseconds

Ibrahim Semiz's picture Ibrahim Semiz
Professor of Physics
Bogazici University
Degree Date: December 1992

Advisor: Vincent Moncrief

Dissertation Title: On Dyonic Black Holes and Cosmic Censorship

Will Shanks's picture Will Shanks
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Jack harris

Dissertation Title: Persistent Currents in Normal Metal Rings

Tianqi Shen's picture Tianqi Shen
Quantitative Researcher
Laurion Capital Management LP
Degree Date: May 2014

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Contact Percolation, Fragility and Frictional Packings

Hyungki Andrew Shim's picture Hyungki Andrew Shim
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Owen Miller

Dissertation Title: Probing the Upper Limits to Light–Matter Interactions: from Spontaneous Emission to Superresolution

Toshihiko Shimasaki's picture Toshihiko Shimasaki
Assistant Project Scientist
University of California, Santa Barbara
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Continuous Production of 85Rb133Cs Molecules in the Rovibronic Ground State via Short-Range Photoassociation

Kidae Shin's picture Kidae Shin
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Charles Ahn

Dissertation Title: MBE-grown Thin Films for Novel Applications: From Single Atomic Layer Ferroelectrics to Isotopically Pure Quantum Memories

Alexey Shkarin's picture Alexey Shkarin
Postdoctoral Fellow
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Quantum Optomechanics with Superfluid Helium

Joseph Shomar's picture Joseph Shomar
Sports Analyst
Major League Baseball
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Damon Clark

Dissertation Title: Visual Circuits for Distance Estimation in Walking Drosophila

Tong Shu's picture Tong Shu
Postdoctoral Associate
Institute of System Genetics in NYU School of Medicine
Phone: 203-785-5873
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: James Rothman

Dissertation Title: Molecular Mechanisms of Regulated SNARE Assembly Revealed by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy

Pierre Sikivie's picture Pierre Sikivie
Distinguished Professor of Physics
University of Florida
Distinguished Professor of Physics
Research Website
Degree Date: December 1975

Advisor: Feza Gursey

Dissertation Title: Lepton and Hadron Spectra in Universal Gauge Theories

Volodymyr Sivak's picture Volodymyr Sivak
Research Scientist
Google Quantum AI
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Quantum Error Correction Beyond Break-Even

Katrina Sliwa's picture Katrina Sliwa
Quantum Circuits, Inc.
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Minimizing Effects Detrimental to the Heisenberg Back-Action of Qubit Measurements with Parametric Amplifiers

Andrew Smith's picture Andrew Smith
Formerly NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
Degree Date: May 1962

Advisor: Frederick E. Steigert

Dissertation Title: Mutual Excitation in the C12 - C12 System

Clarke Smith's picture Clarke Smith
Postdoctoral Fellow
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Design of Protected Superconducting Qubits

William Smith's picture William Smith
Senior Software Engineer
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Modeling Diffusion and Motion in Cells at the Molecular Level

Hasuk Francis Song's picture Hasuk Francis Song
Research Scientist
Degree Date: December 2012

Advisor: Karyn Le Hur

Dissertation Title: Entanglement in Quantum Many-Body Systems

Joshua Spitz's picture Joshua Spitz
Norman M Leff Assistant Professor
University of Michigan
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Measuring Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Differential Cross Sections with a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber

Matthew Steinecker's picture Matthew Steinecker
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling and Magnetic Trapping of SrF Molecules

Robert Steiner's picture Robert Steiner
Director, Online Teacher Education Programs
American Museum of Natural History
Degree Date: December 1985

Advisor: Jack Sandweiss

Dissertation Title: Charged Hadron Production in Positive Pion-Proton, Positive Kaon-Proton and Proton-Proton interactions at 200 Gev/C

David Stewart's picture David Stewart
Postdoctoral Associate
Wayne State University
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: Helen Caines

Dissertation Title: Jet to Event Activity Correlations in Small System Collisions at STAR

Joseph Sullivan's picture Joseph Sullivan
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of British Columbia
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: Meng Cheng

Dissertation Title: Quilting topological phases of matter with quantum thread: a Luttinger liquid love letter

Tomomi Sunayama's picture Tomomi Sunayama
Postdoctoral Fellow
Kavli Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
Degree Date: December 2016

Advisor: Nikhil Padamanabhan

Dissertation Title: Using galaxy surveys as a precision tool to measure dark energy

William Sweeney's picture William Sweeney
Data Scientist
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: A. Douglas Stone

Dissertation Title: Electromagnetic Eigenvalue Problems and Nonhermitian Effects in Linear and Saturable Scattering

Stephen Takach's picture Stephen Takach
Lead Consultant
Decision Focussed Analytics
Degree Date: May 1993

Advisor: Paul Karchin

Dissertation Title: The production distributions of positive,negative D meson and neutral D meson/neutral D antimeson from negative pion neutron interactions

Brian Tennyson's picture Brian Tennyson
Sensor Systems Engineer
Degree Date: December 2017

Advisor: Daniel McKinsey

Dissertation Title: Two Phase Liquid-Gas Xenon Time Projection Chambers: Theory, Applications, and Analysis

James Teoh's picture James Teoh
Quantum Engineer
Quantum Circuits Inc.
Degree Date: December 2023

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Error Detected Operations for Bosonic Quantum Information Processing

John Teufel's picture John Teufel
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Superconducting tunnel junctions as direct detectors for submillimeter astronomy

Savannah Thais's picture Savannah Thais
Research Faculty
Columbia University Data Science Institute
Degree Date: December 2019

Advisor: Sarah Demers

Dissertation Title: Utilizing Electrons in the Search for Associated Higgs Production with the ATLAS Detector: Higgs decaying to a tau pair and vector boson decaying leptonically

William Thompson's picture William Thompson
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: Reina Maruyama

Dissertation Title: Searching for Dark Matter with COSINE-100

Chuan Tian's picture Chuan Tian
Research Associate
Yale University
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Meg Urry

Dissertation Title: Deciphering the Trigger of Luminous AGNs through the Lens of Artificial Neural Networks

Oskari Timgren's picture Oskari Timgren
Sales Support Data Scientist
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: Steve Lamoreaux & David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Progress towards a measurement of time-reversal symmetry violation in thallium fluoride

Andrew Ton's picture Andrew Ton
Machine Learning Engineer
Evernorth Health Services
Degree Date: May 2025

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Computational Studies of Tissue Development and Repair

Elie Track's picture Elie Track
nVizix LLC
Degree Date: May 1988

Advisor: Daniel Prober

Dissertation Title: Electron tunneling studies in tantalum overlayers on niobium and in tantalum and niobium nitride films

Olivier Trottier's picture Olivier Trottier
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: Joe Howard

Dissertation Title: Morphogenesis of class IV neurons in Drosophila melanogaster

William Turner's picture William Turner
Degree Date: May 1973

Advisor: Jack Sandweiss/William Willis

Dissertation Title: Muon Polarization in the Decay KoL-> pi- mu+ numu, An Experimental Test of Time Reversal Invariance

Lucie Tvrznikova's picture Lucie Tvrznikova
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 2019

Advisor: Daniel McKinsey

Dissertation Title: Sub-GeV dark matter searches and electric field studies for the LUX and LZ experiments

Will Tyndall's picture Will Tyndall
Postdoctoral Associate
McGill University
Degree Date: December 2024

Advisor: Laura Newburgh

Dissertation Title: Drone Calibration Systems for 21 cm Cosmology Experiments

Mitchell Underwood's picture Mitchell Underwood
Principal Engineer of Industrial Laser Research and Development
Coherent Inc
Degree Date: December 2016

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Cryogenic Optomechanics with a Silicon Nitride Membrane

Sinan Utku's picture Sinan Utku
Special Counsel & U.S. Patent Attourney
Covington & Burling LLP
Degree Date: December 1994

Advisor: Peter Parker

Dissertation Title: The connection of the hot carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle and the rp-process at fluorine-18

Mark Vagins's picture Mark Vagins
Professor of Physics
University of Tokyo, Kavli IPMU/University of California, Irvine
Research Website
Degree Date: March 1994

Advisor: Michael Schmidt

Dissertation Title: A measurement of the branching ratio for the long-lived neutral kaon going to two electrons and two positrons

Kyle VanderWerf's picture Kyle VanderWerf
Phone: 203-432-7654
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Dissertation Title: Geometry and Contact Mechanics of Athermal Jammed Packings of Frictionless Spherical and Nonspherical Particles

Sohan Vartak's picture Sohan Vartak
Educational Officer
Amsterdam University of Applied Science
Degree Date: December 2023

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Nuclear Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei in the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method

Jared Vasquez's picture Jared Vasquez
Senior Data Scientist
Degree Date: December 2018

Advisor: Paul Tipton

Dissertation Title: Illuminating the Higgs boson: Measurement of the properties of the Higgs boson in the diphoton channel

Mary Vasu's picture Mary Vasu
Degree Date: May 2007

Advisor: Vincent Moncrief

Dissertation Title: Explicit results of first order perturbation study of Bianchi III manifolds: Dust and radiation

Jukka Vayrynen's picture Jukka Vayrynen
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Purdue University
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Leonid Glazman

Dissertation Title: Electron transport along the edge of a topological insulator

Jaya Venkatraman's picture Jaya Venkatraman
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Controlling the effective Hamiltonian of a driven quantum superconducting circuit

Dale Visser's picture Dale Visser
Research Staff Member
Institute for Defense Analyses
Degree Date: December 2003

Advisor: Peter Parker

Dissertation Title: Particle decay branching ratios for states of astrophysical importance in neon-19

Brian Vlastakis's picture Brian Vlastakis
Lead Quantum R&D
Oxford Quantum Circuits
Degree Date: December 2015

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Controlling coherent state superpositions with superconducting circuits

Uri Vool's picture Uri Vool
Postdoc fellow (JHDSF)
Harvard University
Degree Date: December 2017

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Engineering synthetic quantum operations

Gennady Voronov's picture Gennady Voronov
Staff Machine Learning Scientist
Ennveda Biosciences
Degree Date: December 2014

Advisor: George Fleming

Dissertation Title: The Extent of the Two-Color Fundamental Conformal Window

Amar Vutha's picture Amar Vutha
Assistant Professor
University of Toronto
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: A search for the electric dipole moment of the electron with thorium monoxide

Martin Waine's picture Martin Waine
Formerly AARP Tax Aide
Degree Date: May 1965

Advisor: Glen A. Rebka, Jr.

Dissertation Title: The Polarization of Nuclei in Solid Deuterium

Richard Wall's picture Richard Wall
Physics Teacher
The Hewitt School
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Paul Tipton

Dissertation Title: A study of heavy flavor quarks produced in association with top quark pair events at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector

Brian Walsh's picture Brian Walsh
World Bank
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Tobias Golling

Dissertation Title: Search for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in 2011 ATLAS data

Qian Wan's picture Qian Wan
Lonk, Inc.
Degree Date: December 2006

Advisor: Francesco Iachello

Dissertation Title: A Unified Description of Baryon Form Factors

Peter Wanderer's picture Peter Wanderer
Senior scientist
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 1970

Advisor: Robert K. Adair

Dissertation Title: Search for the Intermediate Vector Boson

Chris Wang's picture Chris Wang
Grainger Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Chicago
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Bosonic quantum simulation in circuit quantum electrodynamics

Liyao Wang's picture Liyao Wang
Quantitative Associate
JPMorgan Chase & Company
Degree Date: December 2014

Advisor: Mokshay Madiman

Dissertation Title: Heat capacity bound, energy fluctuations and convexity

Ruquan Wang's picture Ruquan Wang
Associate Professor
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2006

Advisor: Mark Kasevich

Dissertation Title: Approaching lithium BEC with a mini trap

Xiaoxiao Wang's picture Xiaoxiao Wang
Senior Data Scientist
Phone: 203-436-5188
Degree Date: May 2015

Advisor: Tobias Golling

Dissertation Title: Search for a supersymmetric partner of the top quark using boosted top quark identification with the ATLAS detector

Christian Weber's picture Christian Weber
Research Associate Physics
Brookhaven National Lab
Phone: 203-436-2181
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: Keith Baker

Dissertation Title: New Search for H→ZZ_d→4l using pp collision data at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

Angela White's picture Angela White
Graduate School Student, Class of 2021
WL 230
Phone: 203-436-3548
Martin White's picture Martin White
University of California, Berkeley
Degree Date: May 1992

Advisor: Lawrence M. Krauss

Dissertation Title: Investigations in particle physics and cosmology

Elizabeth Williams's picture Elizabeth Williams
Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor)
Australian National University
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Volker Werner

Dissertation Title: A study of transitional collective behavior in heavy nuclei

Suzanne Willis's picture Suzanne Willis
Professor Emerita
Northern Illinois University
Degree Date: December 1979

Advisor: Vernon Hughes

Dissertation Title: A Lampf Neutrino Experiment to Test Muon Number Conservation

Ryan Winkler's picture Ryan Winkler
Postdoctoral Associate
Michigan State University
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: Andreas Heinz

Dissertation Title: Spectroscopy of actinium-215 and (p,t) studies of the stable palladium isotopes

Christopher Wrede's picture Christopher Wrede
Associate Professor
Michigan State University
Degree Date: May 2008

Advisor: Peter Parker

Dissertation Title: Nuclear Energy Levels of 31S and Astrophysical Implications

Shilo Xia's picture Shilo Xia
Chamberlain Fellow
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Degree Date: May 2020

Advisor: David C. Moore

Dissertation Title: Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Detector Physics Measurements with the Final EXO-200 Dataset

Xu Xiao's picture Xu Xiao
Degree Date: December 2023

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: A Diagrammatic Method to Compute the Effective Hamiltonian of Driven Nonlinear Oscillators

Steve Sukeyasu Yamamoto's picture Steve Sukeyasu Yamamoto
Degree Date: May 1959

Advisor: Frederick E. Steigert

Dissertation Title: Study of the Isobaric Multiplets at Masses 30,37

Hao Yan's picture Hao Yan
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: Simon Mochrie

Dissertation Title: Positional Fluctuations in Synthetic and Living Polymer Systems

Cheng Yang's picture Cheng Yang
Mckinsey & Company
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Progress Toward Observing Quantum Effects in an Optomechanical System in Cryogenics

Taekwan Yoon's picture Taekwan Yoon
Degree Date: May 2023

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Piezo-Brillouin electro-optomechanics with high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators

Zhaoou Yu's picture Zhaoou Yu
Financial Engineer
Bloomberg LP
Degree Date: May 2003

Advisor: Michael Schmidt

Dissertation Title: Bottom Quark-Antiquark Production and Mixing in Photon-Antiphoton Collisions

Luna Zagorac's picture Luna Zagorac
Postdoctoral Fellow
Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2022

Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan & Richard Easther (University of Auckland)

Dissertation Title: A Light in the Dark: UltraLight Dark matter Phenomenology in Simulation

Mengzhen Zhang's picture Mengzhen Zhang
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Chicago
Degree Date: December 2020

Advisor: A. Douglas Stone

Dissertation Title: Properties and Applications of Gaussian Processes

Sisi Zhou's picture Sisi Zhou
IQIM Postdoctoral Scholar
California Institute of Technology
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: Liang Jiang

Dissertation Title: Error-corrected quantum metrology

Yuqi Zhu's picture Yuqi Zhu
Degree Date: May 2021

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Experiments with 87Rb: Towards Co-trapping 88Sr19F and 87Rb

Fangzhou Zhu's picture Fangzhou Zhu
Quantitative Researcher
Citadel LLC
Degree Date: December 2018

Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan

Dissertation Title: Information Mining in the Large Scale Structure of the universe

George Zimmerman's picture George Zimmerman
Professor Emeritus
Boston University
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1963

Advisor: Henry Fairbank

Dissertation Title: Specific Heat of He3

Benjamin Zwickl's picture Benjamin Zwickl
Associate Professor of Physics
Rochester Institute of Technology
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2012

Advisor: Jack Harris

Dissertation Title: Progress Toward Observation of Radiation Pressure Shot Noise