Yoram Alhassid Frederick Phineas Rose Professor of Physics SPL 50 yoram.alhassid@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-6922 Research Website |
Nuclear Physics Theorist The nuclear many-body problem; Femtoscience and nanoscience: nuclei quantum dots and nanoparticles; Cold atomic Fermi gases.
Thomas Appelquist Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics SPL 44 thomas.appelquist@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-6969 Research Website |
Particle Physics Theorist |
Keith Baker D. Allan Bromley Professor of Physics WL 211 oliver.baker@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3374 Research Website |
Particle Physics Experimentalist ATLAS, Axions, Hidden Sector Photons, Yale Microwave Cavity Experiment (YMCE)
Sean Barrett Professor of Physics and Applied Physics SPL 24 sean.barrett@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-6928 Research Website |
Condensed Matter Physics Experimentalist Quadratic Echo Line-Narrowing, Imaging Hard and Soft Solids, Advancing Spectral Reconstruction with Undersampled Data Sets, Custom NMR/MRI Probe Design and Construction
Charles Brown Assistant Professor of Physics SPL 68B charles.d.brown@yale.edu Research Website He/him/his |
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Experimentalist Ultracold atomic physics in optical lattices
Helen Caines Horace D. Taft (B.A. 1949) Professor of Physics Wright Lab-W 306 helen.caines@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-5831 203-432-8926 Research Website She/her/hers |
Nuclear Physics Experimentalist ALICE, STAR, ePIC
Meng Cheng Assistant Professor SPL 54B m.cheng@yale.edu Research Website He/him/his |
Condensed Matter Physics Theorist Quantum criticality, Fractonic phases, Symmetric topological phases
Sarah Demers Professor of Physics KT 417 sarah.demers@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3720 / 203-436-8501 Research Website She/her/hers |
Particle Physics Experimentalist ATLAS, MU2E
Steven Girvin Sterling Professor of Physics YQI 403 steven.girvin@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-5082 Research Website |
Condensed Matter Physics Theorist |
Larry Gladney Phyllis Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Physics KT 447 larry.gladney@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-6814 |
Astrophysics & Cosmology; Particle Physics Experimentalist |
Leonid Glazman Donner Professor of Physics SPL 55A leonid.glazman@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-6920 Research Website |
Condensed Matter Physics Theorist Physics of mesoscopic solids: nonlinear Luttinger liquid, topological insulators, mesoscopic electron transport, edge states and collective excitations, quantum fluctuations of charge and spin.
Superconductivity: qubits, mesoscopic superconductors, properties of layered superconductors (including high-Tc materials)
Cold atoms: dynamics of low-dimensional quantum fluids
Walter Goldberger Professor of Physics SPL 53A walter.goldberger@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-6902 Research Website |
Particle Physics Theorist |
Jack Harris Professor of Physics SPL 49, WLW 327 jack.harris@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3826 Research Website He/him/his |
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Experimentalist Optomechanics: Radiation Pressure - Radiation pressure in the quantum engine, Optical control of microstructures, Mechanical control of nonclassical light and Persistent Current - Microcantilevers and probes of closed mesoscopic systems, In-situ electron thermometry, Persistent currents in normal-metal rings
Laura Havener Assistant Professor Wright Lab-West 303 laura.havener@yale.edu She/her/hers |
Nuclear Physics Experimentalist ALICE, ePIC, and STAR
Karsten Heeger Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics; Chair Physics Department, Director Wright Laboratory SPL 34 / WL 214 karsten.heeger@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3378 Research Website He/him/his |
Nuclear Physics; Particle Physics Experimentalist PROSPECT - Precision Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT), PI and Co-spokesperson; CUPID - CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification, Co-spokesperson; CUORE - Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events, collaboration member; Project 8 - An experiment to measure the direct neutrino mass, collaboration member; DUNE - Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment , collaboration member
Eduardo Higino da Silva Neto Assistant Professor of Physics ESI-II A151 eduardo.dasilvaneto@yale.edu Phone: 530 554 2767 Research Website He/him/his |
Condensed Matter Physics Experimentalist |
Francesco Iachello JW Gibbs Professor Emeritus and Research Professor of Physics SPL 65 francesco.iachello@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-6944 / 203-432-6916 Research Website |
Theoretical Physics |
Steve Lamoreaux Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics SPL 61 / WL-EAL 326 steve.lamoreaux@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-5276 Research Website |
AMO Experimentalist Haloscope At Yale Sensitive to Axion CDM (HAYSTAC), Electric dipole moment, Casimir effect
Konrad Lehnert Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics SPL 68A konrad.lehnert@yale.edu |
Condensed Matter Physics Experimentalist |
Christopher Lynn Assistant Professor YSB C147 christopher.lynn@yale.edu Research Website |
Biophysics Theorist Statistical physics of brain networks, information processing in neural populations, network science of complex living systems.
Benjamin Machta Assistant Professor of Physics YSB-C164 benjamin.machta@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3650 Research Website He/him/his |
Biophysics; Condensed Matter Physics Theorist Our research focuses on understanding how biological systems operate using approaches from theoretical physics. We use statistical physics to understand the structure and function of biological membranes, which experiments have shown operate close to a demixing critical point in the Ising universality class. They also use tools from information theory to place physical bounds on the ability of organisms to function that arise from their limited ability to measure their environment and from their limited energy budget.
Reina Maruyama Professor of Physics and Astronomy WL 209 reina.maruyama@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3362 Research Website Pronouns: She/her/hers |
Nuclear Physics; Particle Physics Experimentalist Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE), IceCube Neutrino Obervatory, CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification (CUPID), ATLAS, COSINE-100, DM-Ice, Haloscope At Yale Sensitive To Axion CDM (HAYSTAC)
Chiara Mingarelli Assistant Professor KT 445 chiara.mingarelli@yale.edu |
Astrophysics & Cosmology Theorist NANOGrav Collaboration
Simon Mochrie Professor of Physics & Applied Physics SPL 68C simon.mochrie@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-4809, 203-432-4086 Research Website He/him/his |
Biophysics; Condensed Matter Physics Experimentalist Single Molecule Optical Tweezers Measurement on Nucleosomes, Fast Scanning Random Access STED Microscopy, Protein Degradation in Yeast, The Role of Peripheral Chromatin in Nuclear Mechanics
Vincent Moncrief Professor of Physics and of Mathematics KT 413 vincent.moncrief@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-6930 |
Gravitational Physics Theorist |
David Moore Associate Professor of Physics WL 208 david.c.moore@yale.edu Phone: +1 203-432-7986 Research Website He/him/his |
Nuclear Physics; Particle Physics Experimentalist nEXO, Search for new Interactions in a Microshere Precision Levitation Experiment (SIMPLE)
Ian Moult Assistant Professor SPL 52A ian.moult@yale.edu |
Particle Physics Theorist |
Daisuke Nagai Professor of Physics and of Astronomy / Director of Graduate Studies KT 451 daisuke.nagai@yale.edu Phone: 203-909-4266 Research Website He/him/his |
Astrophysics & Cosmology Theorist Theoretical & Computational Cosmology: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Galaxy Clusters, Galaxy Formation & Evolution, Cosmological Simulations, Data Science
Nir Navon Associate Professor of Physics Sloane Physics Laboratory 50A nir.navon@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 436-4997 Research Website He/him/his |
Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Experimentalist Ultracold Quantum Matter
Laura Newburgh Associate Professor of Physics WL 210 laura.newburgh@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-9168 203-432-3522 Research Website She/her/hers |
Astrophysics & Cosmology; Particle Physics Experimentalist 21cm Radio Instrumentation to measure Large Scale Structure and Dark Energy - Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME), The Hydrogen Intensity Mapping and Real-time Analysis eXperiment (HIRAX)
Early Universe Cosmology: The Cosmic Microwave Background - Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), Simons Observatory
Nikhil Padmanabhan Associate Professor of Physics KT 449 nikhil.padmanabhan@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-9950 |
Astrophysics & Cosmology Theorist |
David Poland Associate Professor of Physics / Director of Undergraduate Studies SPL 53B david.poland@yale.edu Phone: 432-6959 Research Website He/him/his |
Particle Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Quantum Physics Theorist |
Nicholas Read Henry Ford II Professor of Physics and Professor of Applied Physics and Mathematics SPL 55B nicholas.read@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-5042 Research Website |
Condensed Matter Physics; Quantum Physics Theorist |
Ramamurti Shankar J.W. Gibbs Professor of Physics SPL 55 r.shankar@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-6917 Research Website |
Condensed Matter Physics Theorist Quantum field theory
Witold Skiba Professor of Physics SPL 53C witold.skiba@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3903 Research Website |
Particle Physics Theorist |
Alison Sweeney Associate Professor of Physics and of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology SCL 207 alison.sweeney@yale.edu |
Biophysics Experimentalist Protein Self-Assembly, Interaction of light with marine organisms, Rheology of marine organisms, Biopolymer Oganization
Paul L. Tipton Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics KT 419 / WL 235 paul.tipton@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-8501 Research Website He/him/his |
Particle Physics Experimentalist ATLAS; Selected Presentations and Articles for a General Audience
Meg Urry Israel Munson Professor of Physics KT 533 meg.urry@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-5997 +1 (203) 432-3824 Research Website She/her/hers |
Astrophysics & Cosmology Theorist & Experimentalist Hidden Supermassive Black Holes, AGN host galaxies, Unification of AGN, Supermassive Black Holes in AGN and the “Grand Unification” Hypothesis, Blazars, Kiloparsec-scale jets